

JustEU&Me aims at empowering young people (18-30) and youth association representatives to influence EU and Member State policies on social justice, focusing on education, gender equality, and equal opportunities under the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).

Implemented in 7 EU countries—Italy, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, and Belgium—the project engages diverse youth to develop and advocate their positions on EPSR principles at national and European levels.

Over 18 months, participants joined trainings and events, gaining knowledge on EPSR, theory of change, media literacy, and fighting disinformation. They then created national and European manifestos addressing key issues like education, gender equality, and equal opportunities.

To foster meaningful dialogue between young people and European policymakers on these topics, the European Movement International is hosting the final, pan-European, online conference “Youth Meets the Union” in October 2024.


Call for participants

If you are proficient in English and keen to:

  • Learn more about the European Pillar of Social Rights principles, especially its principles: Education, training and lifelong learning, Gender equality and Equal opportunities, by engaging with the leading civil society organisation in the respective fields;
  • Learn about Youth Manifestos on the topics of Education, training and lifelong learning, Gender equality and Equal opportunities,
  • Engage in discussion with EU decision-makers, civil society organisations, experts and peers from across the European Union

Preference will be given to the participants between 18 and 30 years old, but all generations are welcome to apply!

Win an amazing trip to Brussels:

Get ready for an unforgettable experience! Three (3) lucky participants will be chosen for a 3-day trip* to the heart of Europe – Brussels! Here’s your chance to:

  • Explore the vibrant EU capital.
  • Meet key policymakers and influencers.
  • Network with fellow young activists from all over Europe.

To qualify for this unique opportunity, you need to:

  • Attend all workshops on 9th, 10th, and 11th October.
  • Be 18 to 30 years old.
  • Be from one of the CERV eligible countries (EU 27 and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia and Ukraine)

The selection will be made LIVE and RANDOM among those qualifying on Friday, 11th October 2024.

Don’t miss out on this chance to immerse yourself in the European experience and make lasting connections!


Download the agenda here.

* The awardees will receive a voucher of 750 € as reimbursement for their travel (return flight/train ticket), accommodation (2 nights) and substances costs provided they implement the travel before 31st December 2024.


Wednesday, 9th of October (14:00 – 16:30 CET)

DAY 1: Youth Meets the Union:  Youth Perspectives and EU Realities on Gender Equality  

14.00 – 14.10 Opening remarks by ActionAid Italy and European Movement International

14.10 – 14.40 Key speech by Stefan Olsson, Deputy Director-General, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

14.40 – 14.55 Q&A session moderated by Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General European Movement International 

5 min short break  

15.00 – 16.30 Panel discussion Youth Perspectives and EU Realities on Gender Equality

  • Silvan Agius, Cabinet expert, Member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Equality, European Commission 
  • Jéromine Andolfatto, Policy and Campaigns Officer, European Women´s Lobby 
  • Aimee Duprat Macabies, Advocacy and Communications Officer, Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) 
  • Youth Perspectives on Gender Equality presented by Project’s Youth Activist by Michele Sbattella (Italy)  
  • Moderated by Joe Lynam


Thursday, 10th of October (14:00 – 17:00 CET)

Day 2: Youth Meets the Union:  Youth Perspectives and EU Realities on Equal Opportunities and Social Rights 

14.00 – 14.05 Opening remarks by European Movement International 

14.05 – 14.35 Key speech (TBC)

14.35 – 14.50 Q&A session moderated by Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General European Movement International 

10 min short break 

15.00 – 16.15 Panel ¨ Youth Perspectives and EU Realities on Equal Opportunities and Social Rights¨  

  • Mira-Maria Danisman, Head of EU office, Federation of Finnish Enterprises, European Economic and Social Committee  
  • Aisling Reidy, Advocacy Officer, ILGA-Europe 
  • Tamara Ciobanu, Executive Committee member, European Students’ Union
  • Maria Tomassetti, Head of Unit, Programmes and Financial Management, DG JUST
  • Youth Perspectives on Equal Opportunities and Social Rights presented by Project’s Youth Activist Chara Polydorou (Greece) and Emanuela Szykowna (Poland), Adam Czarnecki (Poland) 
  • Moderated by Joe Lynam

16:25 – 17:00 Workshop “Youth Councils: Youth claiming their spot in the political arena”, organised by KMOP 

This session will explore the role of youth councils in promoting youth participation in politics and decision-making across Europe. It will discuss the tools and frameworks established by the European Union to support youth councils and provide some indicative examples of their implementation in EU countries. Furthermore, recommendations for enhancing youth participation will be presented, including promoting digital engagement and strengthening collaboration among stakeholders. The session will conclude with a real-life example and sharing of experience, featuring insights from a recent youth council member. 

  • Sofia Koudouni, Project Manager at KMOP, Main author of the report 
  • Kyriaki Tsiantou, Primary School Teacher, Former Secretary of the Youth Council of the Municipality of Larissa 

Friday, 11th of October (10:00 – 12:30 CET)

Day 3: Youth Meets the Union: Schools at the intersection of Democracy, Opportunities, and Rights 

10.00 – 10.05 Opening remarks by European Movement International 

10.05 – 10.35 Key speech by Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Director General, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission

10.35 – 10.45 Q&A session moderated by Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General European Movement International 

10.45 – 12.05 Panel discussion Schools at the intersection of Democracy, Opportunities, and Rights”  

  • Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 
  •  Elisa Gambardella, Education and Lifelong Learning Coordinator, Solidar Foundation 
  •  Li Andersson, Member of the European Parliament, The Left group in the European Parliament  
  • Benedetta Scuderi, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament 
  • Youth perspectives on Schools at the intersection of Democracy, Opportunities, and Rights, presented by Project’s Youth Activist Iryna Yuriv (Italy), Vanesa Evbuomwan (Greece) and Anastas Krusińska (Poland) 
  • Moderated by Joe Lynam

12.05 – 12.20 Winners selection  



Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen

Director General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission

Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen is the Director-General of the Directorate-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport at the European Commission. She took up this position on 16 September 2023, after holding the same position for four and a half years in the Commission’ Directorate-General for Communication. From March 2018, she served as Deputy Secretary General and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to that, she was also Director in the Directorate-General for Communication, in charge of the Commission’s Representations in the Member States.Between 2009 and 2014 she was Chief Spokeswoman of the European Commission; and Deputy Spokeswoman of the European Commission from 2004 until 2009 under former Commission President Barroso, also in charge of Planning and Coordination of the Spokespersons’ Service (SPP).She began her career in political communication as Environment Spokeswoman in 1999 (Commissioner Margot Wallstr m), having previously held positions in the Commission’s departments for Industry (1995-97) and Information, Communication and Culture (1997-99). Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen was a Schuman Scholar at the European Parliament (1989-90). She studied Business Administration and Modern Languages at the Copenhagen Business School and Political Science at the Institut d’ tudes Politiques de Paris, specialising in intercultural communication and European identity.

Michele Sbattella

Youth Activist

Michele Sbattella is born in Pedaso, a little town by the sea in central Italy. He has a degree in International and Social Political Sciences at the University of Bologna. A six-month Erasmus+ at the Panteion University has been life-changing and pushed him into political activism. Today he lives in Bologna and works as a basketball coach for young players. Michele is also an activist for the Hic Sunt Leones sportsclub, which advocates for a more inclusive anti-racist anti-sexist approach in sports

Silvan Agius

Member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Equality, European Commission

Jéromine Andolfatto

Policy and Campaigns Officer, European Women’s Lobby

Jéromine joined the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) as a Policy and Campaign Officer in September 2021. She is responsible for the women in decision-making portfolio and is dedicated to advancing gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting in EU policies.
Prior to joining the EWL, she worked for 3 years in European Public Affairs for a Brussels’ based non-profit trade association where she co-created a niche online community of over 600 members and interned at UNESCO working on freedom of expression and journalists’ safety. A French national, Jéromine has a strong volunteering background supporting several organisations dedicated to migrants’ rights and WASH projects. In 2020, she joined Young Feminist Europe (YFE).

Brando Benifei

Member of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats

Aisling Reidy

Advocacy Officer, ILGA Europe

As part of ILGA-Europe’s policy and advocacy team, Aisling works on socio-economic justice and alliance building, to strengthen the LGBTI movement by creating resilient and meaningful partnerships with other social justice movements at the European, national and regional levels. ILGA-Europe is the largest LGBTI rights organisation in Europe and Central Asia, representing over 750 member organisations. Her work is currently focusing on homelessness among the LGBTI community and she also ran the ILGA-Europe campaign on the 2024 European elections, ComeOut4EU.
Before joining ILGA-Europe in 2023, she worked in homelessness advocacy and policy research in Ireland. Aisling has a B.A. in Sociology and Political Science from Trinity College Dublin and a Masters in European Policy from KU Leuven.

Elisa Gambardella

Education and Lifelong Learning Coordinator, SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation

Elisa Gambardella is Coordinator at SOLIDAR Foundation, with a thematic focus on Education & Lifelong Learning and Democratic Participation. She joined SOLIDAR in 2018 and since then, she had the opportunity to represent the organisation in the Board of Civil Society Europe (2022-2023), the Conference on the Future of Europe (2021-2022) and more recently, as President of the Lifelong Learning Platform (since 2023). Before moving to Brussels, she worked for the Cabinet of the Italian Minister of Labour, where she specialised in active labour market policies for youth employment. Overall, she has 10+ years’ experience in public authorities, think tanks and EU CSOs. She holds a master’s degree in European studies from Roma Tre University.

Adam Czarnecki

Youth activist, SDL Spichlerz association

Adam Czarnecki, a volunteer and social activist, In the middle of Bachelor degree of International Relations from Cracov University of Economics . He volunteers at the SDL association , which implements programs and events about local culture and history, also works at promotion of social activities.
Adam stand behind equality and accessibility in youth development initiatives and mobilities. His experience and desire of self development has led to active participation in Erasmus+.

Jo Leinen

Lawyer, Former Minister for Environment, Former Member of European Parliament, former President of EMI and UEF

Jo Leinen is a lawyer and former Minister for the Environment in Germany, with a long and impactful career in European politics. He served as a Member of the European Parliament for nearly two decades, where he was deeply involved in shaping policies on climate protection, social justice, and international relations. Beyond his parliamentary work, Jo Leinen has also led prominent European organizations, having served as President of the European Movement International (EMI) and the Union of European Federalists (UEF), advocating for European integration and active citizenship.

Mira-Maria Danisman

Head of EU office, Federation of Finnish Enterprises & Member of the European Economic and Social Committee

Aimée Duprat-Macabies

Advocacy and Communications Officer, Centre for Democracy & Technology Europe

Aimée Duprat-Macabies is the Advocacy and Communications Officer at the Centre for Democracy & Technology Europe. She leads the advocacy strategy of the office, manages the social media and supports the programme directors in their areas of responsibility. She also leads the drafting of the EU Tech Brief newsletter and contributes to the AI Bulletin newsletter.

Prior to joining CDT Europe, Aimée was working at the European Movement International in Brussels where she drafted several papers, including on disinformation and gender equality. She also has worked in the European Parliament, where she focused on the Greens campaign to ban biometric surveillance in public spaces.

A tireless advocate for gender equality, she supervised the communications strategy of the Brussels Binder, a volunteer-run organisation that seeks to increase the diversity of voices in the EU policy debates. She is now supporting the advocacy work of the NGO.

Stefan Olsson

Deputy Director-General -for Jobs, Skills and Social Policies, European Commission

Stefan Olsson is a Swedish lawyer with degrees in Swedish and international law. Having joined the European Commission in 1996, he has worked in various departments including employment, fisheries, justice, environment and human resources. As from 2015, he took up the position of Director responsible for the management of the European Social Fund, employment policy as well as legislative and policy issues relating to working conditions including health and safety at work. From September 2022, he serves as Deputy Director-General responsible for policy issues in DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Katrin Langensiepen

Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA

Li Anderson

Member of the European Parliament, The Left

Benedetta Scuderi

Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA

Benedetta Scuderi is an Italian MEP from Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, part of the Greens/EFA group. She holds a master’s degree in Sustainability and Energy and a master’s degree in Public Policy. In her professional life, she is a sustainability consultant for businesses. She joined Europa Verde in 2019 and co-founded Giovani Europeisti Verdi, the youth wing of the Italian Greens. She served as co-spokesperson of the Federation of Young European Greens from 2022 to 2024.

Tamara Ciobanu

Executive Committee member, European Students Union

Anastas Krusińska

Youth activist & Equality and Accessibility Coordinator, Camera Femina Foundation

Anastas Krusińska (they/them) – activist and educator from Lublin, Poland. They are currently studying cultural and social development at UMCS. Anastas works at the Camera Femina Foundation as an equality and accessibility coordinator. They are also 1/3 of the Biblioteka Azyl collective, a queer radical safer space for vulnerable youth, where they facilitate workshops and support local community. Additionally, they are the co-coordinator cof the short films competition Let’s Start the Revolution. Anastas likes asking questions, though they rarely have the answers. Zines and poetry enjoyer.

Vanesa (Niki) Evbuomwan

Youth activist & Student Affairs & DEI Assistant, College Year in Athens (CYA)

Vanesa (Niki) Evbuomwan is from Nigeria, born and raised in Athens, Greece: this mixture of Africa and Europe and the advantage of observing two different worlds has played a major role in the shaping of her personality. Niki holds a bachelor’s degree in International and European Studies from the University of Piraeus and is passionate about learning by living with culturally diverse people. After an eye-opening study abroad experience in France , and an internship on promoting migrants visibility in Greece, she joined CYA as Student Affairs & DEI Assistant focusing on students’ cultural immersion, intercultural communication and political awareness.

Kyriaki Tsiantou

Primary School Teacher, Former Secretary of the Youth Council of the Municipality of Larissa 


Kyriaki Tsiantou is a primary school teacher and a graduate of the University of Thessaly. She teaches in a Priority Educational Zone class and is undertaking a master’s degree in “Identities, Education, and Competences for a Democratic Culture” at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA) and the European Wergeland Center. She has worked as a European projects manager and youth workshops facilitator. From 2020 to 2023, she served as Secretary of the Larissa Youth Municipal Council and represented the municipality in Greece’s National Youth Work Team. She is an Ambassador for the Youth Work Charter (Europe Goes Local) and has volunteered with the NGO “Angels of Joy.” In May 2024, she won 1st place at the 11th Datathlon organized by the University of Piraeus, Europe Direct of Attica and Piraeus.

Emanuela Szykowna

Youth activist, Sempre a Frente Foundation

Emanuela Szykowna, a committed social and youth activist, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Pedagogy of Culture from UMCS University in Lublin. She volunteers at the Sempre a Frente Foundation, which implements programs focused on prevention, psychological education, and the promotion of active citizenship among young people.
Emanuela is an advocate for equality and accessibility in youth development initiatives and mobilities. She is particularly passionate about the art of movement and mime theatre, promoting its therapeutic and social values. Emanuela‘s pursuit of knowledge has led to her active participation in numerous projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Her inclination to ask thought-provoking questions stems from her belief that understanding our needs is crucial for shaping a better future.

Sofia Koudouni

Project Manager at KMOP

Project Manager at KMOP, Civic Engagement and Governance Unit: Sofia Koudouni holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and a Master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Amsterdam. With extensive experience in both formal and non-formal education, she has served as an educator and trainer. Sofia’s involvement in youth projects began as a participant and evolved into an organizational role, giving her in-depth knowledge of EU mobility and volunteering opportunities. She is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow (Berlin 2019) and currently works as a European Project Manager at KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre as a member of the Civic Engagement and Governance Unit.

Joe Lynam

Moderator & Business Editor, Newstalk

Joe Lynam is a respected broadcaster, podcaster and moderator who is the business editor at the Irish national station Newstalk. Before that he was the BBC’s senior Business Correspondent for a decade. He continues to present the global current affairs show ‘The Newsroom’ on BBC Radio 4 and the World Service as well as the BBC most downloaded podcast: The Global News Podcast. Joe has won many awards for his original journalism including the 2018 Headline Money Award for his BBC One exposé of how RBS (GRG) treated many of its own business customers. Joe was also the first to broadcast on Radio 4 a phone fraud (Vishing) in almost real time as an elderly lady unwittingly handed over her life savings to fraudsters. For that, he won the Wincott prize for Journalism in 2016. Joe has travelled the world with the BBC covering the financial crisis (2007-2010), followed by the Eurozone crisis (2010-2013), the economic and political fallout from Brexit (2016-2021) and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

He has presented on the Today programme, Newsnight, BBC One Breakfast as well as Five Live and the BBC News Channel. He has lived in Germany, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Belgium and Ireland and speaks five languages.

Valeria Setti

Deputy Head of Unit, JUST, European Commission

With a 15 years combined experience in NGOs and the Commission, I have always worked in the field of justice & human rights. I have been the European Commission’s Coordinator for the Rights of the Child (2018-22), leading the work on the adoption of the first ever EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. Since early 2022, I am deputy Head of Unit in JUST.H3, in charge of the Justice and Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programmes. My responsibilities include communication, outreach and stakeholder engagement.

Iryna Yuriv

Youth Activist

Iryna Yuriv was born in Ukraine and moved to Italy with her parents when she was five years old.

Although she lives in Italy, she recognizes how her identity has been shaped by the influence of two different cultures and mentalities.

She has worked in the immigration sector as an Immigration Consultant, and this September, she began a Master’s program with a Double Degree in European Politics (Milan, Italy) and International Economy (Halle Wittenberg, Germany).

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