9-13 September 2024
Monday 9 September
Tuesday 10 September
- EP: Trade MEPs travel to Geneva for the WTO Public Forum
- EC: Jourová speaks at the high level debate on “AI and democracy: the new frontier of the EU”
- EC: Kyriakides receives Professor Dame Sally Davies
- EESC: 10th meeting of the EU-Korea Civil Society Forum under the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement and Workshop
- EESC: Climate migration: where to next?
- Presidency: Informal meeting of agriculture ministers
- FRA: Preparing for the Polish EU Presidency
- CoE: 2nd International Conference on Migrant Smuggling
Wednesday 11 September
- EP: Trade MEPs travel to Geneva for the WTO Public Forum
- EC: College meeting
- EC: Várhelyi meets with László Brenzovics
- EESC: Enhancing Fiscal Transparency through Participatory Budgeting in the EU
- FRA: FRA exchanges views with Human Dimension Advisors of the EU Delegation and EU Member States
- CoE: 2nd International Conference on Migrant Smuggling
Thursday 12 September
Friday 13 September