
Weekly European Agenda 23/09/2024

23-27 September 2024

Monday 23 September

Tuesday 24 September

Wednesday 25 September

Thursday 26 September 

Friday 27 September 

Institutional Agendas

European Parliament

Monday 23 September

Committee on Fisheries (PECH)
Debates: Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic sea for 2025 and amending Regulation 2024/257 as regards certain fishing opportunities in other waters; Cuts in anchovy quotas in Atlantic Iberian waters for the years 2024 and 2025; EU Oceans and Fisheries Policy – Latest Developments and Future Challenges: Fisheries policies, Aquaculture policies, Ocean Governance and Blue Economy.

Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)
Debates: Exchange of views with Stella Ronner Grubačić, Deputy Managing Director for Values and Multilateral Relations, EEAS; Exchange of views with representatives from the Human Rights and Democracy Network.

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)
Debates: Exchange of views with Dr Anikó Raisz, Secretary of State for Environmental Affairs and Circular Economy, Ministry of Energy, Hungarian Council Presidency; Exchange of views with Dr Péter Takács, Secretary of State for Health, Ministry of the Interior, Hungarian Council Presidency.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Debates: Update on the digital euro; Public Hearing with Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB); Scrutiny of delegated acts and implementing measures.

Committee on Budgets (BUDG)
Votes: Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France relating to six natural disasters occurred in 2023; 2024 Budget: Section III – Commission; 2024 Budget: Other Sections; Building policy.
Debates: 2024 Budget: Section III – Commission – exchange of views; Building policy – exchange of views; Exchange of views on Institutions’ building policy: European Commission; Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers; Draft amending budget no 4 to the general budget 2024 – update of revenue (own resources) and adjustments to some decentralised agencies.

Thursday 26 September

Committee on Development (DEVE), Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)
Debates: Sakharov Prize 2024: Presentation of candidates.

Committee on Development (DEVE)
Debates: Chair’s announcements concerning coordinators’ decisions; Key humanitarian priorities in the current global context; Priorities of the Hungarian Presidency; The future of international cooperation in times of geo-economic competition.

Find an overview of the parliamentary agenda here.

Council of Ministers

Monday 23 September 

Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Based on information from the European Commission and member states, agriculture ministers will discuss the agricultural markets situation, a recurring topic on the Council’s agenda. Based on information from the Hungarian presidency, the Council will also hold a public discussion on the second year of implementation of the strategic plans of the common agricultural policy (CAP). Fisheries ministers will also exchange views on the upcoming EU-UK annual consultations on fishing opportunities for 2025, as well as on the EU-Norway and coastal states annual consultations for the coming year.

Tuesday 24 September

General Affairs Council
In a public session, the Hungarian presidency will present the priorities for its term of office. Ministers will have an opportunity to present their comments. As part of the Council’s annual rule of law dialogue, ministers will hold a horizontal discussion on the rule of law situation in the EU member states. Separately, ministers will also exchange views on the general trend of the rule of law situation in selected candidate countries.

Thursday 26 September 

Competitiveness Council
Ministers will discuss the future of European competitiveness and how to tackle the challenges facing industry and businesses in the single market. The second policy debate will focus on the state aid framework and how it supports EU policy objectives. During an informal lunch, ministers will discuss the topic ‘SMEs reaping the benefits of the single market’.

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 23 September 

Šuica co-hosts and delivers an opening statement for UNICEF UNGA/SotF High-level Side event “Proven solutions for children, accelerating progress for the SDGs and beyond”
Vice-president Dubravka Šuica will co-host and deliver an opening statement for UNICEF UNGA/SotF High-level Side event “Proven solutions for children, accelerating progress for the SDGs and beyond”, hosted by UNICEF in New York.

Wojciechowski hosts and participates in the EU Organic Awards
Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski will host and participate in the EU Organic Awards in Brussels.

Tuesday 24 September

Reynders participates in the “session de rentrée” of European Business Summit (EBS)
Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate in the “session de rentrée” of European Business Summit (EBS), in Brussels.

Kyriakides delivers a speech at the UN General Assembly side event
Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly side event ‘The IPC and Antimicrobial Stewardship: from policy to implementation at the point of care’ in New York.

Wednesday 25 September

Reynders participates via videoconference in the Launch of the European Judicial Organised Crime Network of Eurojust
Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate via videoconference in the Launch of the European Judicial Organised Crime Network of Eurojust.

Dalli meets with Bulgarian LGBTIQ Activists from ILGA and Amnesty International
Commissioner Helena Dalli will meet with Bulgarian LGBTIQ Activists from ILGA and Amnesty International, to discuss the current situation in Bulgaria.

Thursday 26 September 

Reynders participates in a UNGA high-level side-event
Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate in a UNGA high-level side-event on “Stopping the Destabilizing Flow of Sensitive Technology” in New York.

Friday 27 September 

Šuica delivers a keynote speech via video-message for EPP Women Autumn Academy
Vice-President Dubravka Šuica will deliver a keynote speech via video-message for EPP Women Autumn Academy in Marrakesh.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Tuesday 24 September 

The annual ESG Conference 2024
The EESC’s European Semester Group is bringing together speakers from the EU institutions, organised civil society, the Member States and research institutes for its annual conference on “Strengthening the European Semester to support reform and investment in the Member States in order to enhance sustainability and growth”. 

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Tuesday 24 September

24th CIVEX Commission meeting
Agenda to be released at a later date.

Thursday 26 September – Friday 27 September 

24th ENVE Commission Meeting and External Conference
The agenda includes the adoption of the opinion on “The future of EU climate policy: aligning mitigation targets and adaptation challenges”, by rapporteur Markku MARKKULA (FI/EPP) and exchange of views on opinion. The following day, Friday 27 September, ENVE Commission will hold a conference on “Green Deal Going Local: New pathways for making our communities sustainable, just and prosperous”.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

European Ombudsman

Tuesday 24 September

Meeting with European Central Bank’s Ethics Body
The European Ombudsman will meet with the ECB’s Ethics Body.

Wednesday 25 September

European Ombudsman Reception
The reception will mark the past 11 years of the European Ombudsman.

Thursday 26 September

SEAP General Assembly
The Ombudsman will speak at the SEAP General Assembly (Society of European Affairs Professionals).

The EU Ombudsman calendar of activities can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Monday 23 September – Wednesday 25 September 

European Coalition of Cities against Racism General Conference
The General Conference of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR) will take place in Heidelberg from 23 to 25 September. FRA will join two panel sessions on equality data and structural/institutional racism.

Thursday 26 September

Presidency conference looks at fundamental rights and AI
FRA was invited by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU to speak at a conference on ‘Fundamental rights in the age of AI’. The event will explore fundamental rights impact assessments in the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and beyond.

Friday 27 September

FRA Management and Executive Boards to meet
FRA’s Executive Board and Management Board will convene on 27 September. The Executive Board will prepare for the Management Board meeting where important discussions and decisions for the functioning of the Agency will be adopted.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Data Protection Supervisor

Monday 23 September

International Organisations Workshop on Data Protection 2024
The EDPS and the World Bank co-host the 2024 edition of the International Organisations Workshop on data protection – IOW 2024. The event takes place on 23 and 24 September in Washington DC, US, at the World Bank headquarters and online. This initiative, launched by the EDPS in 2005, aims at bringing together International Organisations to share experiences and best practices in the field of privacy and data protection. Participants discuss the most recent regulatory developments at international level and analyse their implications for International Organisations.

Information on upcoming EDPS events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Monday 23 September

Introductory statement by Cipollone at hearing on the digital euro before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament
Piero Cipollone will give a introductory statement at the hearing on the digital euro for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Thursday 26 September 

Welcome address by Lagarde at 8th annual ESRB conference “New Frontiers in Macroprudential Policy”
Christine Lagarde will give a welcome address at the 8th annual ESRB conference “New Frontiers in Macroprudential Policy”, in Frankfurt.

More information about ECB events can be found here

European Investment Bank

Monday 23 September – Thursday 26 September 

The EIB at the 79th United Nations General Assembly
A delegation led by EIB President Nadia Calviño, Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle and Vice-President Thomas Östros will work with partners from the UN, multilateral development banks, countries, philanthropic foundations and the private sector to support solutions to global challenges ranging from climate change and healthcare, to gender inequality.

The agenda of the EIB can be found here.

Council of Europe

Monday 23 September

Secretary General Alain Berset at the United Nations Summit of the Future
Secretary General, Alain Berset will participate in the United Nations Summit of the Future “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow”.

Wednesday 25 September – Thursday 26 September

Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, Equality and Discrimination
The Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, Equality and Discrimination (GEC/ADI-AI) is a joint subcommittee to the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and to the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI). It is tasked by the Committee of Ministers to draft a Recommendation on the impact of artificial intelligence systems, their potential for promoting equality – including gender equality – and the risks they may cause in relation to non-discrimination by 2025.

Find an overview of Council of Europe events here; the PACE diary here; the Congress calendar of events here; information on forthcoming judgments here; the calendar of hearings here; information on Venice Commission events here; the agenda of the Commissioner of Human Rights here; and the Chairmanship agenda here.



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