CESI: On World Health Day CESI calls for more investment in the European public health sector


CESI: On World Health Day CESI calls for more investment in the European public health sector

In 2022, a campaign of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organisation (WHO) focuses on the One Health approach, which emphasises the interdependence of animal, human and environmental health and the link between individual choices and social behaviours and their impact on our environment.

In line with the One Health approach, CESI underlines the need to increase investments in public health in order to ensure sufficient human resources and adequate infrastructure for safe and quality health care for all in the EU.

One of the most important lessons learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic has been the need to build strong and resilient national healthcare systems which able to face critical situations that put at risk, either collectively or individually, the health and quality of life of EU citizens.

In line with this, the co-creation of a European Health Union envisages all EU countries to be able to prepare and respond together to health crises, with full medical supplies availability, affordable and innovative prevention, treatment and aftercare for diseases.

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Members update

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