EM Denmark: 65 debates kick off election year in Denmark


EM Denmark: 65 debates kick off election year in Denmark

Starting 2019 the initiative “We Want Europe” initiated by the European Movement Denmark launched a nation-wide week of debating the EU. The project is called Week 5: Denmark Debates the EU and saw more than 65 debates in just one week and massive media attention, which had a spillover effect to the EM Denmark with an increase in audience on Social Media.

A broad range of ministers, business leaders, professionals, leaders of trade unions, members of the Danish Parliament, ambassadors, mayors, and members of the European Parliament brought the conversation about the EU closer to the Danish people. President of the European Movement Denmark, Christine Bosse, is very excited about the project: “It’s truly important that we discuss the future of Europe – at home, at school and at work,” she states and explains: “In Denmark, we have a long tradition of meeting and debating while having a cup of coffee in an informal setting. This initiative eases the debate on the EU and works as a kick-off in Denmark before the European elections in May.”

The idea of launching a nation-wide week of debating the EU comes from another project in the initiative “We Want Europe”, which is a booklet called “1001 Homes”. This booklet contains topics and questions about the EU, which enables the Danish people to take part in the conversation about the EU at your home, at your workplace or at your friend’s house.

Please read more about the initiative here. (in Danish)

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