EM Italy: Petition for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to Ukraine


EM Italy: Petition for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to Ukraine

Petition for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to Ukraine in order to halt the arms trade and start negotiations on peace and security.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has finally called for an immediate and temporary ‘ceasefire’ in Ukraine after sixty days in which only guns have spoken.

The promoters of the petition call for the activation of the UN Statute, in particular Chapter VII, which authorises the General Assembly to decide on peacekeeping measures through the “International Peacekeeping Forces” (the so-called Blue Helmets) set up on the basis of the document “United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines” in order to guarantee respect for the “ceasefire”.

Among the essential rights, or rather as the foundation of essential rights, the Charter of the United Nations of 1945, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 have placed the principle of human dignity in their respective preambles.

Among the crimes that the Russian army is committing and preparing to perpetuate in Ukraine is the disregard of human dignity on women, children and men, on the entire civilian population as well as on the Ukrainian army.

The international community and with it the OSCE and the European Union were unable to foresee the ‘illegal’ war unleashed without any justification by Russia against Ukraine and to stop the military operations.

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