EM Germany and EM Italy: EBD De-Briefing on the European Council: A historical – yet incomplete – compromise


EM Germany and EM Italy: EBD De-Briefing on the European Council: A historical – yet incomplete – compromise

For the very first time, an EBD De-Briefing was simultaneously translated into English and Italian, in cooperation with European Movement Italy (CIME), when Andreas Peschke, Head of the European Department at the German Federal Foreign Office, and Dr. Kirsten Scholl, Head of the Department for European Policy at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, reported on the results of the special European Council in an online De-Briefing organised by European Movement Germany on 23 July. Dr. Jörg Wojahn, representative of the European Commission in Germany, and Dr. Linn Selle, EM Germany President, provided initial comments. The video conference was attended by almost 300 participants and moderated by EM Germany Secretary General Bernd Hüttemann.

750 billion for the Recovery Fund and 1,074.3 billion for the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) – this was agreed by the heads of state and government after four-day negotiations in Brussels. Although the compromise reached is of historic proportions, it was not without criticism. During the EBD De-Briefing, participants discussed proposed cuts in research, climate and health programs, and a rule of law conditionality for the protection of the budget and Next Generation EU.

Find further information on the event here.

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