CESI is a confederation of independent trade union organisations from various European countries.Together with its member organisations and the several million employees it represents, CESI champions better living and working conditions, as well as the development of Europe’s social dimension.
International Associations European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions – CESI
International Associations European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions – CESI

+ 32 2 282 18 70
Members update
CESI: On World Health Day CESI calls for more investment in the European public health sector
Read MoreIn 2022, a campaign of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organisation (WHO) focuses on the One Health approach, which emphasises the interdependence of animal, human and environmental. >
CESI: Position on an EU Care Strategy
Read MoreIn the position, which was developed as part of a dedicated hearing carried out by the European Commission on April 7 on a new EU Care Strategy, CESI welcomes the initiative of the EU to address exist. >
CESI: EU and NATO ties stronger than ever
Read MoreOn 29th-30th June 2022 the heads of states and governments of the EU Member States met with NATO representatives during the Madrid Summit in order reinforce their aligned geopolitical interests in the. >