European Movement Poland


European Movement Poland

The European Movement Forum (Forum Ruchu Europejskiego, FRE) is a non–governmental organization committed to promoting the integration of the European continent.

The Forum is a platform for the exchange of ideas – as well as a space to faciliate contact and collaboration of pro–European organizations in Poland. We initiate debates, seminars or conferences covering the challenges of societies throughout Europe and develop intellectual and logistic back–up for such projects. We organise media campaigns as well as street information actions concerning the problems of European integration and functioning of the European Union.

The Forum supports its Members, Partners and Supporters in initiatives aimed at deepening of European integration and promoting of European values.

Members update

EM Poland working on TTIP

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Forum Ruchu Europejskiego i Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych UW przygotowały pierwszą w Polsce książkę o TTIP pt. „Transatlantyckie Partnerstwo w Dziedzinie Handlu i Inwestycji. Nowy Etap . >

EM Poland presentation of sectoral analysis of TTIP

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11 kwietnia w Polskiej Akademii Nauk odbyło się seminarium poświęcone prezentacji wyników analizy sektorowej Transatlantyckiego Porozumienia w Dziedzinie Handlu i Inwestycji (TTIP), przygotowanej. >

Europe Day 2016

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It is easy to take our surroundings for granted, particularly if we have either been born into it or we have lived among it for the majority of our lives. The European Union is one such element of mod. >

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