Call for proposals for the EMI National Councils
The EMI is launching a call for proposals (entitled “Together for Europe) exclusively for our National Councils (NCs) that fulfil the eligibility criteria described in the Guidelines. The call is a continuation of the EMI’s effort to celebrate Europe’s positive achievements together with citizens at the local and national level and inform them of the issues at stake and to bring the EU closer to the citizens. Over the past few years, efforts were made to harmonise the Europe Day activities and to label them with shared visual elements. This new strategy has been intended to strengthen the capacities of the EM National Councils and make our activities, including the Europe Day celebrations, more visible and coherent as a united network.
This new and elaborate process of grants allocation is mandated by the European Commission as a new feature introduced by the novel CERV programme, where the funding used to support Europe Day activities emanate from and is subject to additional requirements as described in the Guidelines for applicants.
The overall objective of the “Together for Europe” call is to raise awareness of the importance of European unity and common responses to the challenges Europe is facing today.
The proposed actions must be related to achieving at least one of the following objectives:
- To increase citizen awareness of EU rights and values;
- To strengthen civil society’s capacity to protect and promote EU rights and values;
- To develop advocacy and campaign capabilities and the ability of CSOs to function as a watchdog for the defence of EU values;
The deadline for submission of proposals is 3 April 2023 at 10:00 CET.
An online information session on this call for proposals will be held on 16th February 2023 from 10:00 – 12:00, Brussels time.
Please register HERE.