Centre international de formation européenne – CIFE


Centre international de formation européenne – CIFE

The Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) is a private non-profit making international organisation which includes several institutes and European studies courses as well as colloquiums, seminars and publications.

Members update

CIFE: What is a eurobond or a coronabond?

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In response to the economic consequences of the new coronavirus pandemic, the European Union, the Eurogroup and the Member States have presented several proposals (European Stability Mechanism (ESM). >

CIFE: What is “Real-time Policy Tracking”?

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How would you describe the current job situation for somebody who graduates in 2020 and aspires to work in a European or international institution? What could be the “little extra” that might conv. >

CIFE: Summer University in Prague

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The group is composed of about 20 participants from various countries, half from the host country and half from foreign countries.The course is oriented towards undergraduate students, in their second. >

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