European Movement Germany


European Movement Germany

The European Movement Germany is Germany’s largest civil society network for Europe. It currently unites 249 interest groups from all sections of society: trade and professional associations, trade unions, educational pro­viders, scientific institutions, foundations, political parties and businesses.

Since 1949, EM Germany’s aim has been to promote European integra­tion in Germany and Europe. To this end, it supports and shapes the Europeanisa­tion of structures and actors by providing information and a space for networking. As a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation of the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), European Movement Germany initiates and organises European political dialogue between politics and civil society, and in providing commentary brings out the main points concerning Europe.

Members update

EM Germany: Survey reveals that five out of six Germans attach great importance to European politics for the Federal election in 2021

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According to a representative survey conducted by Forsa on behalf of EM Germany, 84 percent of Germans state that Europe and European policy should play a major role in the 2021 German Federal electio. >

EM Germany and EM Austria call for European coordination on border closures

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The coronavirus does not stop at national borders. That is why border controls are the wrong way to deal with the corona crisis. EM Germany President Dr Linn Selle and EM Austria President Dr Christop. >

EM Germany: analyses election programmes for the Bundestag election 2021

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On 26 September 2021, the citizens of Germany will elect a new Bundestag and thus also a new government. The German position in the influential EU Council of Ministers will be a decisive pacesetter in. >

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