Weekly European Agenda 13/11/2023
This week in Brussels is dedicated to committee and political group meetings in the European Parliament ahead of the November 20-23 Plenary Session. On Monday and Tuesday, the EU foreign ministers and ministers of defence will discuss EU support for Ukraine, the situation in Gaza, and exchange views on the Rapid Deployment Capacity. The College of Commissioners meeting on Wednesday is expected to hold a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as well as a discussion of the Talent Mobility Package which includes the initiative to set up a European Talent Pool and streamline the recognition of third country nationals' qualifications among other things.
European Parliament
On Tuesday, the Committee on Civil Liberties will adopt its position on a draft bill aimed at fighting and preventing online child sexual abuse and improving the protection of children online. The Transport and Tourism Committee will adopt its position on the new EU rules banning the discharge by ships of sewage and waste and introducing stricter penalties on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Development will jointly vote on the Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe.
Council of Ministers
On Monday and Tuesday, the EU ministers responsible for housing and urban development will address the main challenges facing the sector, focusing on access to decent housing and developing the Urban Agenda for the European Union. The EU Defence Ministers meeting on Tuesday will be preceded by an informal breakfast with the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the European Defence Agency Steering Board. On Wednesday, the General Affairs Council will debate the European Parliament's proposal for revising the EU rules governing the EP elections and discuss developments regarding the rule of law in Poland and respect for the EU values in Hungary.
European Commission and High Representative
On Monday, the College of Commissioners and the European Court of Auditors will hold a joint meeting in Brussels to explore ways to deepen their cooperation as the EU's executive and audit powers. On Wednesday, Commissioner Hoekstra will arrive in Beijing, China, where he will meet with representatives of the EU Chamber of Commerce China (EUCCC), with Member States Heads of Mission and climate experts. Commissioner Lenarčič will meet with Volker Türk, High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations and Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva, Switzerland on Friday.
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