Eu Weekly Short Version



Weekly European Agenda 17/06/2024

The newly elected MEPs will continue to meet to form political groups. The new legislative term will begin with MEPs resuming work on legislative files not finished in the 2019-2024 term. On Monday, the Environment Council will gather ministers to discuss a general approach to the green claim directive, while on Wednesday, EU Commissioners will meet to discuss the 2025 draft budget, the annual management and performance report for the EU budget and the European Semester Spring package.

European Parliament

The new legislative term will officially start on 16 July, the first day of the new Parliament’s first plenary session in Strasbourg. During the weeks after the elections, the newly elected MEPs will form political groups according to shared political beliefs. Groups will hold meetings to decide on their composition before the first new plenary meeting. During the first plenary session, MEPs will elect their new President, vice-presidents and quaestors, as well as decide on the number of MEPs that will be sitting in each parliamentary committee. 

Council of Ministers

On Tuesday, the General Affairs Council will gather ministers to exchange views on the link between cohesion policy and the EU strategic agenda for 2024-2029, set to be adopted by the European Council at its meeting on 27 and 28 June 2024. On Friday, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council will bring together ministers to exchange views on the state of play of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and on the state of play of the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.  

European Commission and High Representative

On Monday, Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni will deliver a speech at the Peace and Sustainable Growth Conference in Athens. On the same day, Vice-President Dubravka Šuica will meet with Marian Jurecka, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. On Friday, Commissioner Ylva Johansson will participate in the EU-US Ministerial Meeting on Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels. 



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