
Weekly European Agenda 03/03/2025

03-07 March 2025

Monday 03 March

Tuesday 04 March

Wednesday 05 March

Thursday 06 March

Friday 07 March

European Movement International 

Monday 03 March

The First 100 Days: EU Climate Leadership or Standstill?
The first 100 days of the new European Commission set the tone for its five-year mandate and demonstrate its commitment to climate action in a changing political landscape. These early decisions will shape the future of the European Green Deal (EGD), the EU’s 2030 and 2050 climate targets, and its role in global climate diplomacy. This event will critically assess the Commission’s climate actions, their alignment with the EU’s objectives and their impact on Member States and the global agenda.

More information about the event here.

More information about EMI events can be found here.

Institutional Agendas

European Parliament

Monday 03 March

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)
Votes: Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA (recast).
Debates: A revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Votes: Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board; Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board.
Debates: Public Hearing with Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB); Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board; Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board; Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board; Competition policy – annual report 2024.

Special committee on the Housing Crisis in the European Union (HOUS)
Debates: Exchange of views with Dan Jørgensen, Commissioner for energy and housing; Exchange of views with Raffaele Fitto, Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms.

Committee on Public Health (SANT)
Debates: Presentation on the progress of the negotiations on the Pandemic Accord; Presentation of the proposal for a Council Decision authorising Member States to accept, in the interest of the European Union, the amendments to the International Health Regulations; Exchange of views on the Strategic report of the Critical Medicines Alliance.

Thursday 06 March

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Debates: 2023 and 2024 Commission reports on Montenegro; Exchange of views with Aivo Orav, newly appointed Head of EU Office in Kosovo (in compliance with the Declaration on Political Accountability of the HR/VP).

Committee on Budgets (BUDG) and Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Votes: Establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Republic of Moldova.
Debates: Establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Republic of Moldova.

Committee on the Environment, Climate and Food Safety (ENVI)
Debates: Report on ongoing interinstitutional negotiations; A revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world; ECA Special Report 20/2024: Common Agricultural Policy Plans – Greener, but not matching the EU’s ambitions for the climate and the environment; ECA Special Report 02/2025: Urban pollution in the EU: Cities have cleaner air but are still too noisy.

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
Votes: Strengthening the security of identity cards of Union citizens and of residence documents issued to Union citizens and their family members exercising their right of free movement; Conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of an Agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the cooperation between the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) and the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina competent for judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
Debates: Exchange of views on EU-Latin America cooperation on security matters and the role of parliamentary diplomacy; Enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and on enhancing Europol’s support to preventing and combating such crimes and amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794; Amending Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA.

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Debates: Structured dialogue with Andrius Kubilius, Commissioner for Defence and Space; Exchange of views with the Commission (DG GROW and DG RTD) on the future of the EU biotechnology and biomanufacturing sector.

Committee on Budgets (BUDG)
Votes: 2025 Budget: Section III – Commission; 2025 Budget: Other Sections; Building policy.
Debates: 2025 Budget: Section III – Commission; 2025 Budget: Other Sections; Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2026 – Section I – European Parliament; Enhancing police cooperation in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and on enhancing Europol’s support to preventing and combating such crimes and amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794.

Find an overview of the parliamentary agenda here.

European Council 

Thursday 06 March

Special European Council
Agenda to be released at a later date.

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

Council of Ministers 

Wednesday 05 March

Justice and Home Affairs Council
Following the presentation by the Commission of the Schengen Barometer ministers will exchange views on the implementation of the priorities of the Schengen Council cycle. Ministers will also exchange views on the impact of the current geopolitical situation on EU’s internal security. The focus of the discussion will be on Syria and Ukraine.

Friday 07 March

Justice and Home Affairs Council
The presidency is organising a policy debate about a proposed directive to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law. The proposal constitutes one of the initiatives of the 2020 Capital Markets Union action plan. At the Council meeting there will also be a state of play about the fight against impunity regarding crimes committed in connection with the war in Ukraine. The Council will also approve conclusions, and hold an exchange of views, on the application of the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights.

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 03 March

Virkkunen meets with Óscar López Águeda
Executive Vice-President Henna Virkkunen will meet with Óscar López Águeda, Spanish Minister for Digital Transformation and Civil Service, in Barcelona. 

Kallas meets with Saidov Bakhtiyor Odilovich
High Representative Vice-President Kaja Kallas will meet with Saidov Bakhtiyor Odilovich, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, in Ashgabat. 

Jørgensen participates in the Special committee on the Housing Crisis in the European Parliament
Commissioner Dan Jørgensen will participate in the Special committee on the Housing Crisis in the European Parliament, in Brussels.

Tuesday 04 March

Kos receives Peter Sørensen
Commissioner Marta Kos will receive Ambassador Peter Sørensen, the new EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, in Brussels.

Kallas meets with Serdar Berdimuhamedov
High Representative Vice-President Kaja Kallas will meet with Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, in Ashgabat. 

Jørgensen receives Sebastian Burjuda
Commissioner Dan Jørgensen will receive Sebastian Burjuda, minister of Energy of Romania, in Brussels.

Wednesday 05 March

College meeting
EU Commissioners will gather in Brussels to unveil the Action Plan for the Automotive Industry, a Union of Skills and a Roadmap for Women’s Rights. Commissioners will also have a discussion with Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank Group.

Brunner participates at the Justice and Home Affairs Council
Commissioner Magnus Brunner will participate at the Justice and Home Affairs Council, in Brussels.

Kallas receives Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
High Representative Vice-President Kaja Kallas will receive Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, in Brussels.

Thursday 06 March

Kos participates at the Panel on EU enlargement at the European Investment Bank Group Forum
Commissioner Marta Kos will participate at the Panel on EU enlargement at the European Investment Bank Group Forum, in Luxembourg. 

von der Leyen participates in the special meeting of the European Council
President Ursula von der Leyen will participate in the special meeting of the European Council, in Brussels.

Kubilius holds a videoconference with Volker Wissin
Commissioner Andrius Kubilius will hold a videoconference with Volker Wissing, Minister of Digital Affairs and Transport, Minister for Justice of Germany.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Monday 03 March

Turn up the volume for civil society!
The conference will build on the work of the Civil Society Organisations’ Group (CSO Group) for strengthening civil society and democracy, with the aim of setting out priority actions for the EU’s recently started political cycle 2024-2029.

Thursday 06 March 

Housing for all
The event will focus on specific categories of households that are unable to meet their housing needs at market conditions in urban or rural areas.

More information about EESC events can be found here.

The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions 

Monday 03 March

7th Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform meeting
At the meeting, the 2nd Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook and Zero Pollution Dashboard for regions and cities will be launched following a keynote speech by Commissioner Roswall. The meeting will also provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange views on the Zero Pollution agenda in light of the European Commission’s 2024-2029 political guidelines.

Tuesday 04 March

2nd NAT Commission meeting
The NAT commission members will discuss and adopt one opinion on “Healthcare workforce: regional challenges and solutions” and another on “Strengthen farmers’ position in the agri-food supply chain”.

Wednesday 05 March

2nd ENVE commission meeting
ENVE members will meet to discuss the Energy Union’s Fit for 55 targets, the EU’s role in COP30, a new biodiversity framework, as well as the new mandate.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

Polish Presidency 

Tuesday 04 March – Wednesday 05 March

Informal meeting of the EU Ministers for Telecommunication
An informal meeting of digital ministers entirely dedicated to the current cybersecurity challenges facing the European Union, including, among others, the issue of responding to large-scale incidents and crises.

The agenda of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Tuesday 04 March – Wednesday 05 March

High-Level Forum on the future of EU criminal justice
The European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union will host a High-Level Forum on the Future of EU Criminal Justice. The Forum will reflect on how the EU can best support the effective fight of threats such as organised crime or corruption throughout the prosecution chain.

Thursday 06 March

Luxembourg Ministry to discuss EU Gender-Based Violence survey results
FRA and EIGE will give a presentation on the EU Gender-Based Violence survey results to the Luxembourg Ministry of Gender Equality and Diversity. The coordination committee that deals with measures to combat violence against women and domestic violence will also attend.

Friday 07 March 

Presenting the EU Gender-Based Violence survey results to the Council of Europe
Eurostat, FRA and EIGE will deliver a joint presentation to the Council of Europe on the results of the EU Gender-Based Violence survey.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Friday 07 March

Welcome address by Lagarde at ECB International Women’s Day 2025 conference “Closing the Financial Literacy Gap” 
Christine Lagarde will give a welcome address at the ECB International Women’s Day 2025 conference “Closing the Financial Literacy Gap” in Frankfurt, Germany.

More information about ECB events can be found here

European Investment Bank 

Wednesday 05 March – Friday 07 March

EIB Group Forum 2025
This year’s Forum will focus on Europe’s investment priorities, presenting best practices and effective strategies to address investment needs. With the expertise of the EIB Group, they will explore how to mobilise resources to support Europe’s goals, strengthen the single market and prevent economic fragmentation. For the first time, the Forum will also include the EIB Global Days, a dedicated section on world challenges. Key topics will include Ukraine, energy security, health and critical raw materials.

Information on upcoming EIB events can be found here.



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