
Weekly European Agenda 14/10/2024

14-18 October 2024

Monday 14 October 

Tuesday 15 October

Wednesday 16 October

Thursday 17 October

Friday 18 October 

Institutional Agendas

European Parliament

Monday 14 October

Committee on International Trade (INTA)
Votes: Establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.
Debates: Establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine; Macro-financial assistance to the Arab Republic of Egypt; Macro-financial assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; 42nd Annual Report on the EU’s Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Safeguard activities and the Use of Trade Defence Instruments by Third Countries targeting the EU in 2023.

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Debates: Exchange of views with the Executive Directors of the Agencies under the EMPL remit: Cedefop, Eurofound, EU-OSHA, ETF and ELA.

Committee on Development (DEVE)
Debates: The humanitarian situation in Sudan; The humanitarian situation in Lebanon; The Global Gateway strategy – state of play.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Debates: Hearing with Verena Ross, Chairperson of the European Securities and Markets Authority as well as Chairperson of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and, in that capacity, second Vice-Chairperson of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB); Hearing with Jose Manuel Campa, Chairman of the European Banking Authority; Hearing with Petra Hielkema, Chairperson of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; Amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards the electronic value added tax exemption certificate; Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes.

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)
Debates: Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3) on renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 x 59122 and eight sub-combinations, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council; Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3) authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified cotton COT102, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN)
Votes: Implementation of the Single European Sky (recast).
Debates: Presentation of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency; Amending Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community; International Maritime Organisation (IMO): Feedback from the 108th session of the Maritime Safety Committee and from the 82nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee – Exchange of views with the Commission.

Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) 
Debates: Adoption of minutes.

Committee on International Trade (INTA) and Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
Debates: Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market.

Committee on Budgets (BUDG) 
Votes: General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections; Draft amending budget no 4 to the general budget 2024 – update of revenue (own resources) and adjustments to some decentralised agencies; Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to support workers made redundant following an application from Belgium — EGF/2024/001 BE/Match-Smatch; 2024 Budget: Section III – Commission; Budget: Other Sections; Building policy.
Debates: Building policy – exchange of views; 2024 Budget: Section III – Commission – exchange of views; Draft amending budget no 5 to the general budget 2024 – adjustments in payment appropriations, update of revenues and other technical updates; General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections; Exchange of views with Elena-Alexandra CALISTRU (EESC) and Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS (CoR) on the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2027; Conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Protocol (2024-2029) implementing the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Cabo Verde; Conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Implementing Protocol (2024-2029) to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Debates: Exchange of views on Tunisia; Debriefing of the Jordan Election Observation Mission; Report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2024.

Thursday 17 October

Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) 
Debates: Exchange of views on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and EU policy on International Humanitarian Law and fighting impunity – preparation of the ad hoc delegation to The Hague on 29-30 October 2024; Exchange of views with Sirpa Rautio, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights; Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter – annual report 2024.

Committee on Development (DEVE) and Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Debates: Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2024: Vote on a shortlist of 3 candidates.

Committee on Fisheries (PECH)
Debates: Multiannual Plans implementation reports; International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) – update on preparations for the Annual meeting; Delegated Acts; EU-Morocco SFPA – update on the state of play following the recent CJEU ruling.

Find an overview of the parliamentary agenda here.

European Council

Thursday 17 October – Friday 18 October

European Council
EU leaders are meeting in Brussels to discuss Ukraine, the Middle East, competitiveness, migration and foreign affairs. EU leaders will discuss Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine in all its dimensions, including developments on the frontline, and continued comprehensive support for Ukraine and its people. EU leaders will also discuss the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular the critical escalation of violence in the region. 

The meeting page can be found here.

Council of Ministers

Monday 14 October 

Environment Council
EU environment ministers are expected to approve conclusions on preparations for the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Ministers also aim to approve conclusions on the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16). EU environment ministers will also exchange views in preparation for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5).

Foreign Affairs Council
EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after an informal exchange of views with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii Sybiha, via videoconference. The Council will then have a discussion on the situation in the Middle East, in light of the recent developments.

Tuesday 15 October 

General Affairs Council
Ministers will continue preparations for the European Council meeting on 17-18 October by discussing draft conclusions. The Council will be invited to approve a declaration on fostering Jewish life and combating antisemitism. Ministers will also take stock of relations between the EU and Switzerland.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council
Following up on the recommendations in the Draghi report, ministers will publicly exchange views on the contribution of the energy sector to the competitiveness of the European Union. Ministers will also hold a discussion on the divergence of wholesale electricity prices within the EU. Energy ministers also will discuss preparedness for the upcoming winter season. The Commission will give ministers an update on security of supply in the EU, which will be followed by a presentation on the energy situation in Ukraine by German Galushchenko, the Ukrainian Minister for Energy.

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 14 October 

Ferreira meets with a delegation from the Committee for Local Government and Territorial Cohesion of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal
Commissioner Elisa Ferreira will meet with a delegation from the Committee for Local Government and Territorial Cohesion of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, in Brussels.

Reynders participates in the opening session of the International Product Safety Week (IPSW)
Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate in the opening session of the International Product Safety Week (IPSW), in Brussels.

Ivanova meets with Ognian Shentov and Todor Galev
Commissioner Iliana Ivanova will meet with Ognian Shentov, Chairman of the Center for the Study of Democracy, and Todor Galev, Director of Research of the Center for the Study of Democracy, in Sofia.

Tuesday 15 October 

Ferreira delivers keynote speech at the Just Transition Platform event
Commissioner Elisa Ferreira will deliver a keynote speech at the Just Transition Platform event, in Brussels.

Reynders holds a videoconference call with Peter Kyle
Commissioner Didier Reynders will hold a videoconference call with Peter Kyle, UK Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology.

Wednesday 16 October

Ivanova delivers a keynote speech at the event for the presentation of the report of the expert group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe
Commissioner Iliana Ivanova will deliver a keynote speech at the event for the presentation of the report of the expert group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, in Brussels.

Schmit receives European and national social partners
Commissioner Nicolas Schmit will receive European and national social partners, together with President von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis.

Thursday 17 October 

Schmit receives Yvan Vergoustraete
Commissioner Nicolas Schmit will receive MEP Yvan Vergoustraete, in Brussels.

Šuica participates in the EPP Statutory Summit
Vice-President Dubravka Šuica will participate in the EPP Statutory Summit, in Brussels.

Friday 18 October

Schinas delivers a keynote speech at the “Science and Research Day” event
Vice-President Margaritis Schinas will deliver a keynote speech at the “Science and Research Day” event organised by the University of West Macedonia.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Tuesday 15 October

Conference with social partners and civil society organisations from Bosnia and Herzegovina
This years’ meeting of the EESC’s Western Balkans Follow-up Committee outside of Brussels will take place on 15 October in the Europe House in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and will include a hearing with the social partners and civil society organisations (CSOs). The goal of the hearing is to listen to the views on the role of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to hear their concerns, and to convey these messages to the political authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the EU.

5th meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform
The fifth meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform (CSP) is scheduled to be held on 15 October in Brussels. The meeting will focus on assessing progress in the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), with a strong emphasis on its impact in the Areas of Democracy, Rule of Law, Anti-Corruption, and Human Rights.

Wednesday 16 October

Computer in Command: do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers require EU policy action?
AI is affecting the world of work in many ways and becoming a prominent feature in many people’s jobs. To understand the challenges in terms of job quality, employment, working conditions, health and safety, as well as concerns regarding the strong potential for worker surveillance, the EESC’s Workers’ Group and FEPS jointly is organising a conference entitled “Computer in Command: Do the Consequences of Algorithmic Management for Workers Require EU Policy Action?”

Thursday 17 October

A bastion of democracy: helping journalism survive and thrive
This year’s Connecting EU seminar, the EESC flagship annual communication event for civil society communicators, will be talking about journalism and the crucial need to preserve its independence and accountability as essential foundations for safeguarding democracy and preventing its decline.

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Thursday 17 October

Multi-Level Dialogue on Just Transition
The Multilevel Dialogue on Just Transition is being hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The aim of the Dialogue is to promote exchange between the different levels of governance in the process of just transition throughout Europe.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

Hungarian Presidency

Thursday 17 October – Friday 18 October

Informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Trade Formation
Within the framework of the Hungarian Presidency, the Informal Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) will be convened in Budapest on 17-18 October 2024. This meeting will provide a platform for the EU Trade Ministers to engage in high-level discussions on critical issues, including the European Union’s trade relations with ASEAN countries as well as EU-China trade relations.

The agenda of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU can be found here.

European Ombudsman

Tuesday 15 October

European Court of Auditors – Conference Transparency and traceability of the RRF funds
The European Ombudsman will participate in a panel discussion on the performance and transparency of the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Wednesday 16 October

Seminar at the College of Europe
The Ombudsman will deliver a seminar on the work of her office to students of the college of Europe.

The EU Ombudsman calendar of activities can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Monday 14 October – Tuesday 15 October 

FRA joins this year’s Forum 2000
FRA will take part in the Forum 2000 Annual Conference in Prague. This event provides a platform to address a diverse international community and to better understand the challenges to freedom and democracy in our globalised and uncertain world.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Wednesday 16 October

Speech by Lagarde at official dinner of Banka Slovenije
Christine Lagarde will give a speech at the official dinner of Banka Slovenije in Ljubljana.

More information about ECB events can be found here

European Investment Bank

Tuesday 15 October

Board Seminar with Civil Society 2024
The 2024 Board Seminar with Civil Society will take place on Tuesday 15 October at the EIB Headquarters in Luxembourg and is open to interested stakeholders from civil society inside and outside Europe. Since 2011, these seminars provide a unique opportunity for civil society representatives and EIB Directors and staff to have a constructive and fruitful dialogue. This event is a key pillar of the Bank’s stakeholder engagement and Transparency Policy, and a unique opportunity for a frank and open exchange with the Bank’s governing bodies.

Wednesday 16 October

Meeting No. 576 of the Board of Directors
In accordance with its Rules of Procedure, the EIB convenes the meetings of its Board of Directors at least six times a year.

Thursday 17 October 

Stakeholders’ Dialogue – Investing in Young Businesses in Africa (IYBA) Initiative
In June 2024, the EIB took over as Chair of a Team Europe initiative known as ‘Investing in Young Businesses in Africa (IYBA) ’. This initiative supports early-stage businesses, young entrepreneurs, and women in Africa to launch and grow sustainable, strong and inclusive businesses, while creating sustainable jobs. This event will address the current challenges and opportunities available to support youth and women led businesses and early-stage start-ups in Africa.

The agenda of the EIB can be found here.



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