25 March – 28 March 2023
Monday 25 March
- CoM: Environment Council
- EC: Suica hosts and delivers a keynote speech at Conference on demography
- EC: Kyriakides delivers a lecture and holds an exchange with students at the College of Europe
- EESC: Strengthening civil society and participatory democracy in the EU: the way forward
- Presidency: Informal meeting of fisheries ministers
- Presidency: Informal meeting of National Agencies in the field of youth
- ECB: Lagarde participates to the EIB Group Climate and Environment Advisory Council
Tuesday 26 March
- CoM: Agriculture and Fisheries Council
- EC: Schinas delivers closing remarks at the High Level Conference on the future of the EU Health Union
- EC: Wojciechowski meets the Minister of Agriculture of Estonia
- CoR: Local Dialogue with Young People in Cantabria – “European Elections 2024”
- Presidency: Informal meeting of National Agencies in the field of youth
- Presidency: Conference on Trade Policy and Critical Raw Materials
- Presidency: Towards a climate neutral and resilient society in 2050
- Presidency: High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union
- FRA: Innovative child-friendly justice approaches
- ECB: Lane participates to a Trinity Student Economic Review event at Trinity College Dublin
- CoE: Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Wednesday 27 March
- EC: College meeting
- CoR: ECON Commission Seminar on Industrial Transition in the EU
- Presidency: Informal meeting of National Agencies in the field of youth
- Presidency: High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union
- ECB: Cipollone speaks on monetary policy at the House of the Euro
- CoE: Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
- CoE: High-Level Conference on execution of judgments
Thursday 28 March