
Weekly European Agenda 25/03/2024

25 March – 28 March 2023

Monday 25 March

Tuesday 26 March

Wednesday 27 March

Thursday 28 March

Institutional Agendas

Council of Ministers

Monday 25 March

Environment Council
EU environment ministers will hold a policy debate on the Commission’s proposal to revise the waste framework directive, focusing on the textile and food sectors. The overall aim of the proposal is to reduce the environmental and climate impacts associated with textile and food waste generation and management. Ministers will also have a policy debate on the Commission’s proposal on preventing plastic pellet losses to the environment. The proposed regulation aims to further reduce microplastic pollution, specifically tackling the unintentional release of microplastics from the handling of plastic pellets. EU environment ministers will also exchange views on the recent Commission communication on the EU 2040 climate target. Under ‘other business’, the Presidency will inform ministers about the ongoing progress on the regulation on an EU forest monitoring framework. The Commission will present its mid-term evaluation of the eighth environment action programme (EAP) and its communication on managing climate risks in Europe. It will also inform ministers on the state of play of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs).

Tuesday 26 March

Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Based on information from the European Commission, agriculture ministers will exchange views as a follow-up to the work carried out by the Commission following the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting that took place on 26 February 2024. The Council will discuss the current situation on the EU’s agricultural markets, in particular following Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The exchange of views will be based on information from the European Commission and member states. The Ukrainian Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Solskyi, will address the Council before the ministers’ exchange of views. The Belgian presidency will publicly provide information on the events it has organised on the future of agriculture and the common agricultural policy (CAP).

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 25 March

Suica hosts and delivers a keynote speech at Conference on demography 
Vice-President Dubravka Suica will host and deliver a keynote speech at Conference on demography under the Belgian Presidency.

Kyriakides delivers a lecture and holds an exchange with students at the College of Europe
Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will be in Bruges, Belgium to deliver a lecture and hold an exchange with students at the College of Europe. She will also meet Rector of the College of Europe Federica Mogherini.

Tuesday 26 March 

Schinas delivers closing remarks at the High Level Conference on the future of the EU Health Union
Vice-President Margaritis Schinas will deliver closing remarks at the High Level Conference on the future of the EU Health Union organised by the Belgian Presidency of the Council.

Wojciechowski meets the Minister of Agriculture of Estonia
Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski will meet Madis Kallas, Minister of Agriculture, Estonia, on the margins of the agriculture and fisheries council of the European Union.

Wednesday 27 March

College meeting
The college of Commissioners will discuss the higher education package. This includes a Communication on a blueprint towards a European degree, the Council Recommendation on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education; Council Recommendation on a European quality assurance and recognition system.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Monday 25 March

Strengthening civil society and participatory democracy in the EU: the way forward
The conference on Strengthening civil society and participatory democracy in the EU: the way forward will explore how the EU as a whole and Member States individually can work towards effective sustainable civil dialogue and participatory democracy. The discussions will be centred around two sets of questions: With the aim of investing in democratic resilience, there has been a surge of interest in more participatory approaches, including the organisation of citizens’ panels. What is the path forward for civil dialogue and participatory democracy at large? How can civil dialogue and citizen participation interlink and be mutually reinforcing? Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union calls for EU institutions to maintain open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society. What is needed to effectively structure this dialogue at EU level? What should the next steps be?

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Tuesday 26 March

Local Dialogue with Young People in Cantabria – “European Elections 2024”
In view of the upcoming EU elections in 2024, the Youth Local Dialogue intends to: Stimulate the civic participation of young people; Engage in dialogue with young people and help them understand, in practical terms, how the European Union works and what the European Parliament and these elections represent; Mobilise and listen to the expectations of young Cantabrians.

Wednesday 27 March

ECON Commission Seminar on Industrial Transition in the EU
​​​This seminar will take place in one of the traditional locations of the German automotive industry, the Chemnitz/Zwickau region of Saxony. It intends to give an overview on how EU policy, including cohesion policy, can help tackle deep transitions in the industrial sector and in attracting and reskilling skilled workers. Moreover, it will focus on the key role of EU SME strategy in facilitating access to finance for a green transition and appropriate changes. The seminar also aims to showcase how the Chemnitz/Zwickau region manages to promote the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in parallel with economic recovery.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

Belgian Presidency

Monday 25 March

Informal meeting of fisheries ministers
On Sunday and Monday 24 and 25 March, Minister Crevits will be inviting her European counterparts to an informal discussion in Bruges prior to the Council meeting. An informal discussion among ministers will continue at the Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) on Monday concerning the topic of the future of the EU fisheries and aquaculture.

Monday 25 March – Thursday 28 March

Informal meeting of National Agencies in the field of youth
The European Union programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps have been approved by the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament for a period of 7 years from 2021 till 2027. The legal bases of both programmes foresee a mid-term evaluation to be performed in 2024. At the same time the final evaluation of the programmes during the preceding period 2014-2020 is planned. The European Commission and the participating countries each deliver an evaluation report on the programmes in the first semester of 2024. As implementing bodies for the programmes in each country, National Agencies in the field of Youth, will discuss their contribution to the evaluations, both mid-term and final, based on their experience with and knowledge about the development of the programmes. Their discussion should lead to common observations and recommendations to feed into the overall evaluation and the further development of the programmes till 2027. It should also inspire the shaping of new programmes beyond 2027.

Tuesday 26 March

Conference on Trade Policy and Critical Raw Materials
The conference will take place at the Egmont Palace and will bring together experts from different fields, with the aim of exploring the importance of critical raw materials for our economy and the twin transition. The conference will gather experts and academics, as well as representatives from civil society and third countries. The presence of diverse countries, some rich in natural resources, some poor, will allow for a broad discussion addressing the particular set of challenges that each side faces. During this reflection, themes such as recycling and economic security will also feature.

Towards a climate neutral and resilient society in 2050
The Climate High Level event will focus on the future of European climate policy, with the theme ‘towards a climate neutral and resilient society in 2050’. This ministerial event will be an opportunity to continue the debate on post-2030 climate policy and encourage reflections among member states on the European Commission Communication on an EU climate target for 2040, in the context of the discussions on the next Strategic Agenda.

Tuesday 26 March – Wednesday 27 March

High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union
During this conference, Ministers, policymakers and experts will discuss the strategic priorities for the next European Commission’s health agenda (2024 – 2029). Key themes of the conference are: shortage of health workers, security of medicines supply, crisis preparedness, prevention of non-communicable diseases, and investing in health.

The agenda of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Tuesday 26 March

Innovative child-friendly justice approaches
On 26 March, FRA will give a keynote speech at the closing conference of Child Front. This is an EU-funded project on ‘Transformative Judicial Training for Child-Inclusive Justice Systems’. In the panel on innovative approaches to child-friendly justice, FRA will contribute online to the discussion on interdisciplinary insights into how to best ensure child-friendly proceedings. Building on its evidence, FRA will stress particularly important procedural safeguards for inclusive systems such as children’s right to information and to be heard, access to legal representation and individual needs assessments.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Monday 25 March

Lagarde participates to the EIB Group Climate and Environment Advisory Council
President Christine Lagarde will participate to EIB Group Climate and Environment Advisory Council in Luxembourg.

Tuesday 26 March

Lane participates to a Trinity Student Economic Review event at Trinity College Dublin
Board member Philip Lane will participate to a Trinity Student Economic Review event at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Wednesday 27 March

Cipollone speaks on monetary policy at the House of the Euro 
Board member Piero Cipollone will speak on monetary policy followed by Q&A at the House of the Euro in Brussels, Belgium.

More information about ECB events can be found here

Council of Europe

Tuesday 26 March – Thursday 28 March

Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities will hold its session focusing on the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine; rising antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred; the 30th anniversary of the Congress and support to Belarus democratic forces (with the participation of their leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya). Monitoring reports on the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Andorra, Croatia, France, Italy, Montenegro and Norway are on the agenda. The reports on the observation of local elections in the Republic of Moldova as well as “Local and Regional Authorities as Actors and Guarantors of the Rule of Law”, “Local and regional responses to natural disasters and climate hazards: from risk preparedness to resilience”, “UN Summit of the Future (23-24 September 2024)” will also be discussed and voted on.

Wednesday 27 March

High-Level Conference on execution of judgments
Liechtenstein’s Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, in collaboration with the Department for the Execution of Judgments, will organise a high-level conference entitled “’Of Unsound Mind’: Convention-compliant approaches to the execution of judgments concerning involuntary detention and treatment on mental health grounds”. The conference will aim to clarify relevant legal standards on rule of law safeguards and conditions in institutions, and to provide inspiring examples of practices that are in line with the European Convention on Human Rights. The one-day event will involve practicians working in psychiatric institutions, individuals with lived experience and representatives of civil society, as well as national and Council of Europe experts.

Find an overview of Council of Europe events here; the PACE diary here; the Congress calendar of events here; information on forthcoming judgments here; the calendar of hearings here; information on Venice Commission events here; the agenda of the Commissioner of Human Rights here; and the Chairmanship agenda here.



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