
Weekly European Agenda 30/09/2024

30 September-4 October 2024

Monday 30 September 

Tuesday 1 October

Wednesday 2 October

Thursday 3 October 

Friday 4 October

Institutional Agendas

European Parliament

Monday 30 September 

Committee on Budgetary Control (BUDG)
Votes: 2022 discharge: General budget of the EU – European Council and Council.
Debates: Discharge 2022: General budget of the EU – European Parliament; ECA Special Report 07/2024 – The Commission’s systems for recovering irregular EU expenditure.

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Votes: Vote on the ECR contestation of the Coordinators’ decisions of 12 September 2024 on points 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5; UN Climate Change Conference 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan (COP29).
Debates: Presentation by the Commission (DG DEFIS) of the mid-term review of the EU Space programme; Presentation by the Commission (DG CONNECT) of the second report on the state of the Digital Decade Policy Programme.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Votes: General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections.
Debates: Exchange of views with Gert Jan Koopman, Director General DG NEAR, European Commission; Exchange of views with Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service, on EU-Iran relations.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and Committee on Budgets (BUDG) 
Debates: Dialogue on the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Debates: Monetary Dialogue with Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank; Scrutiny of delegated acts and implementing measures.

Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
Debates: Exchange of views on the future of European competitiveness (Mario Draghi report); Establishing harmonised requirements in the internal market on transparency of interest representation carried out on behalf of third countries and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937; The need for the customs reform: Delays of implementation of IT systems in Member States.

Committee on Fisheries (PECH) 
Votes: Appointment of EP Representatives to the EFCA Administrative Board.
Debates: Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1026/2012 on certain measures for the purpose of the conservation of fish stocks in relation to countries allowing non-sustainable fishing; General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – update on preparations for the Annual meeting; Delegated acts.

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) 
Debates: Exchange of views with Laura Kövesi, European Chief Prosecutor of European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO); Exchange of views with Alexis Goosdeel, Executive Director of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA); Exchange of views with Ladislav Hamran, President of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust).

Committee on International Trade (INTA) 
Debates: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine; The EU’s anti-subsidy investigation on battery electric vehicles from China and the latest EU – China contacts; Ad hoc delegation of the Steering Group of the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO to the WTO Public Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-12 September 2024; Foreign Subsidies Regulation – state of play and recent developments.

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) 
Debates: Exchange of views with European Parliament experts in the EIGE’s Experts’ Forum, Ms Edit Bauer and Mr Niall Crowley.

Subcommittee on Public Health (SANT)
Debates: Presentation of the European Court of Auditors special report on “EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic – The EU medical agencies generally managed well in unprecedented circumstances” by João Leão, Member of European Court of Auditors; Presentation of the study of the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies’ “How to reduce the impact of disinformation on Europeans’ health”; Marking of the World Heart Day 2024: Exchange of views with a representative of the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health.

Thursday 3 October

Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Votes: Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to support workers made redundant following an application from Belgium — EGF/2024/001 BE/Match-Smatch; Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.

Committee on Regional Development (REGI) 
Debates: Presentation of the ECA Review 03/2024: An overview of the assurance framework and the key factors contributing to errors in 2014-2020 cohesion spending, by Helga Berger.

Committee on Petitions (PETI)
Debates: Draft Report on the Activities of the European Ombudsman – Annual Report 2023; Petitions for discussion in committee on the basis of the Commission’s written reply or other documents received.

Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)
Votes: General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections.
Debates: Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies study “EU education, youth and sport policy – overview and future perspectives”; Presentation by the House of European History.

Find an overview of the parliamentary agenda here.

European Commission and High Representative

Tuesday 1 October

Reynders receives David van Weel
Commissioner Didier Reynders will receive David van Weel, Minister for Justice and Security of the Netherlands, in Brussels.

Wednesday 2 October

College meeting
EU Commissioners will gather in Brussels to discuss the Team Europe Communication.

Reynders receives Bojan Božović
Commissioner Didier Reynders will receive Bojan Božović, Minister for Justice of Montenegro, in Brussels.

Johansson participates in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior
Commissioner Ylva Johansson will participate in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior in Italy.

Thursday 3 October

Johansson participates in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior
Commissioner Ylva Johansson will participate in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior in Italy.

Ivanova meets with Stéphanie Obertin
Commissioner Iliana Ivanova will meet with Stéphanie Obertin, Minister for Research and Higher Education of Luxembourg.

Friday 4 October

Johansson participates in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior
Commissioner Ylva Johansson will participate in the G7 Minister’s meeting on Interior in Italy.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Wednesday 2 October – Friday 4 October

Kick-off event of the European Cybersecurity Month
This year, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions will be jointly hosting the kick-off event of the European Cybersecurity Month. This 12th edition is devoted to social engineering – in other words, attempts by hackers to exploit human errors or human behaviour.

Wednesday 2 October

Thematic debate on A step forward in meaningful youth participation
The European Economic and Social Committee is organising a thematic debate during the meeting of its Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, focusing on the essential role of young people in policy and decision-making processes. Youth participation is at the heart of democratic societies and sustainable democracies. Although various institutions and international organisations recognise this, further research and investment are required to improve participation standards and institutionalise youth participation at all levels of governance—local, national, European, and international.

Thursday 3 October 

Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2030
The EESC is planning to make a study visit in Naples on 3-4 October 2024 and examine how civil society is contributing to the works of the TA. This study visit includes a full-day hearing with local civil society and regional actors and a half day study group meeting.

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Tuesday 1 October

24th SEDEC commission meeting
The 24th SEDEC commission meeting will take place on 1 October. The meeting agenda includes: First discussion and adoption of the opinion on: Addressing territorial inequalities by improving access to social services and presentation/debate with the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness (EPOCH) Practice Team.

Thursday 3 October

24th NAT Commission meeting
The following opinion will be discussed and adopted: Enhancing EU regional agricultural competitiveness: A comprehensive strategy integrating equitable trade conditions and phytosanitary security and fair working conditions in agriculture: the local and regional perspective.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Monday 30 September

FRA and the UN’s Human Rights Office strengthen their cooperation
FRA’s Director will meet the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on 30 September at the Agency.
The discussion will focus on how to further strengthen cooperation between FRA and the UN Human Rights Office. They will also exchange views on current and future priorities.

Monday 30 September – Tuesday 1 October

Protecting children: working in partnership across children’s services
FRA will speak at the European Social Network’s annual meeting in Bucharest. The seminar will focus on fostering effective coordination between universal and specialist services to ensure an integrated approach to child protection.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Monday 30 September

Introductory statement by Lagarde at ECON Hearing
Chrstine Lagarde will gi a introductory statement at ECON Hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament in Brussels.

More information about ECB events can be found here

European Investment Bank

Thursday 3 October

Navigating supply chain disruptions: New insights into the resilience and transformation of EU firms
In a context of rising geopolitical uncertainty, more coordinated efforts across the EU will be needed to reduce strategic dependencies, increase resilience and build on the strength of the single market. A workshop on EIB’s new report “Navigating supply chain disruptions: New insights into the resilience and transformation of EU firms“, a collaboration between the EIB and DG GROW. 

The agenda of the EIB can be found here.

Council of Europe

Monday 3o September – 4 October 

Coming of age during war. Youth work in Ukraine today. How can European youth policy adapt?
The Youth Department of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine are organising this seminar. The seminar will bring together up to 30 professional practitioners and volunteer working with young people of Ukraine to develop their understanding of a human rights-based approach to youth work in supporting the well-being of young people coming of age in war conditions. The outcomes of this seminar will be reflected in the 4th European Youth Work Convention in May 2025 and the Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth in October 2025.

Find an overview of Council of Europe events here; the PACE diary here; the Congress calendar of events here; information on forthcoming judgments here; the calendar of hearings here; information on Venice Commission events here; the agenda of the Commissioner of Human Rights here; and the Chairmanship agenda here.

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Wednesday 2 October – Friday 4 October

2024 Autumn Meeting
The 22nd Autumn Meeting of the OSCE PA will take place in Dublin, Ireland. Hosted by Houses of the Oireachtas, the Autumn Meeting will include a Parliamentary Conference, held under the theme “Fifty Years After Helsinki: The Role of Parliaments in Reinforcing the OSCE’s Comprehensive Model of Peace and Security,” a meeting of the Mediterranean Forum, and a meeting of the Standing Committee.

More information can be found here.



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