
On Wednesday 15 June from 14:00-15:00 CET, the European Movement International held the eleventh edition of EuropeanChats, this time featuring Eurodiaconia and Erasmus Student Network.

EuropeanChats gathers activists and stakeholders from the European Movement International network, to discuss with European citizens different issues surrounding the COVID-19 recovery and tackle the wider debate around the future of Europe.


Heather Roy – Secretary General of Eurodiaconia
Wim Gabriels – Director of Erasmus Student Network

Moderated by Sebastian Rodriguez, Campaign Strategist, Community Building and Digital Outreach Lead, European Movement International.

We encourage participants to join the discussions on Twitter by using the hashtag #EuropeanChats and the handles @EMInternational, @Eurodiaconia and @ESN_Int.

The event was live on our FacebookYouTubeLinkedIn and Twitter.

More information regarding past editions of EuropeanChats is available here. To date, the discussions have featured the European Movement offices in Denmark, Croatia, Ireland, Finland, France, Austria, Norway, Serbia, Romania, Switzerland, UK as well as International Associations such as SGI Europe, ETUC, CEMR, Europa Nostra, GESAC, the European Youth Forum, AEGEE and ALDA.


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