
This series of Talking Europe discussions are organised in partnership with the European Commission with the aim to foster debate on the European Union’s work and its effect on the everyday lives of citizens, involving stakeholders from civil society, political institutions and the wider European community.

DEFENDING DEMOCRACY IN A TIME OF UNCERTAINTY | Our guest, Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency of the European Commission, delivered this keynote speech as part of our flagship event Democracy Alive: The Brussels Summit. The day-long conference was organised by the European Movement International and gathered political leaders, policymakers, academics, social partners, NGOs, and organized civil society to discuss the state of democracy in Europe and strategise how to best counter the threats faced by the EU. It was an opportunity for us to share our thoughts and ideas on how to strengthen democracy and uphold its principles. The Summit was filled with engaging, sometimes heated conversations and debates on key issues of our time.


Věra Jourová

European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency

Petros Fassoulas

Moderator | Secretary General, European Movement International


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