20 Sep 2024

10:00 am

1:00 pm

House of Europe (European Parliament’s Representation in Lithuania), Gedimino Ave. 16, Vilnius " description="" options="'Google','iCal','Outlook.com','Yahoo'" hideIconButton label="ADD TO CALENDAR" trigger="click" listStyle ="modal" styleLight="--var:Roboto;--btn-background-hover:transparent;--btn-shadow-hover:none!important;--btn-border:none;--btn-background: transparent;--btn-text:#219dcc;--btn-shadow-active:none!important;--btn-shadow:none!important;" lightMode="bodyScheme" >
10:00 am1:00 pm
House of Europe (European Parliament’s Representation in Lithuania), Gedimino Ave. 16, Vilnius " description="" options="'Google','iCal','Outlook.com','Yahoo'" hideIconButton label="ADD TO CALENDAR" trigger="click" listStyle ="modal" styleLight="--var:Roboto;--btn-background-hover:transparent;--btn-shadow-hover:none!important;--btn-border:none;--btn-background: transparent;--btn-text:#219dcc;--btn-shadow-active:none!important;--btn-shadow:none!important;" lightMode="bodyScheme" >

On the 20th of september, the European Movement Lithuania and European Movement International organized a pivotal round table discussion in response to the growing concerns surrounding Lithuania’s upcoming Seimas election. With almost 50 participants, including Lithuanian experts, civil society representatives, and decision-makers, the event addressed the alarming rise of anti-Semitic and radical political forces, with over 230,000 citizens supporting politicians who openly promote such views or align with Kremlin narratives during the Presidential election.

Participants analyzed the findings of the 2024 National Security Threat Assessment Report, which warns of increasingly aggressive Russian information campaigns aimed at destabilizing trust in European and national institutions and undermining support for Ukraine. Despite these threats, Lithuania still lacks a formal strategy or coordinated institutional action plan to safeguard European values and democracy.

The round table laid the groundwork for actionable proposals to be incorporated into the programme of the Lithuanian government, institutions, and pro-European political parties, emphasizing the urgent need for a comprehensive defense of democratic principles in the face of rising extremisms.




Welcome coffee


Welcome Remarks

Laura Tatarėlytė, Executive Director of the European Movement Lithuania
Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International (online)


How to defend European Democracy in the age of information warfare?

  • Romas Švedas, Associate Professor of the Institute of Political Sciences of Vilnius University, Board Member of the European Movement Lithuania,
  • Daiva Jakaitė, Head of the European Parliament’s Representation in Lithuania,
  • Petras Vaitiekūnas, Signatory to the Act of Restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania, former Minister of Foreign Affairs,
  • Ieva Petronytė, Director of the NGO “Civil society institute” (tbc),
  • Col. Arturas Jasinskas, Head of the Hybrid Threats Department of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence,
  • Vytautas Bruveris, Editor-in-chief of ELTA news agency,
  • Dr. Saulius Spurga, Deputy Rector of Mykolas Romeris University, 
  • Prof. Irmina Matonytė, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania,
  • Rasa Lukaitytė-Vnarauskienė, Editor-in-chief of DELFI.lt
  • Marius Vaščega, Head of the European Commission’s Representation in Lithuania (tbc)

Moderator: Vykintas Pugačiauskas, Journalist


Networking lunch


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