EM Norway: Highest support for the EU in twelve years


EM Norway: Highest support for the EU in twelve years

In a new poll, 35.3 percent say they would have voted yes to Norwegian EU membership if there was a referendum tomorrow.

The proportion who say yes to the EU has increased from 34.1 per cent in the previous survey in November last year to 35.3 per cent today. It has not been higher since April 2010. The no-share has fallen from 54.2 to 48.8 per cent, while the proportion who answer “do not know” has increased from 11.8 to 16 per cent. The survey was conducted by Sentio for Nationen and Klassekampen.

Confirms the trend
“All progress is of course welcomed, but the most important thing is that this confirms a trend we have seen over several years where support for the yes side is increasing slowly but surely”, says Heidi Nordby Lunde, leader of EM Norway.

The poll comes at a time when EM Norway is experiencing strong membership growth in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Membership growth is nice, but it is an eerie backdrop. Things indicate that there are many former members who come home to EM Norway, in addition to completely new members”, says Nordby Lunde.

“I almost do not think we in Norway have seen how radical changes are happening now. Germany has made a U-turn in its defense policy, while the EU countries Finland and Sweden are seeking NATO membership. At the same time, the EU has shown strength and action we have rarely seen before”, she says and adds: “While the world is changing around us, Norway is almost silent in the European debate.”

Members update

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