Dr Vladimir Medjak, Vice-President of the European Movement in Serbia writes for Confrontations Europe on EU Enlargement and whether the EU is Promoting Its Fundamental Values in the Western Balkans.
The enlargement to the Western Balkans (WB) has been going on for 22 years with very disappointing results. Only Croatia joined the EU in 2013 and Montenegro and Serbia are negotiating accession since 2012 and 2014, respectively. Others have yet to start negotiations.
Contrary to their countries, citizens of the WB are joining the EU, but individually, migrating in tens of thousands, every year. The WB is being depopulated, increasingly faster, as living in the EU is generally recognized as a better option. The brighter (economic) prospects for the future, and predictable and safe surrounding, directly linked to the democracy, rule of law and protection of individual rights have a strong attractive force for citizens in the WB.
One might ask why is this still the case after 22 years of the enlargement process? Should not the gap between the EU and the WB be narrowing by now? Looking at the situation in Serbia, as one of the “frontrunners” in the process, one can see that the process is not going in the intended direction, quite the opposite.
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