EM Serbia – Urgent call for action: Appeal of the participants of the conference “(Mis)Perceptions of the European Union in the Western Balkans”


EM Serbia – Urgent call for action: Appeal of the participants of the conference “(Mis)Perceptions of the European Union in the Western Balkans”

Today we are facing a turning point. The Russian invasion of Ukraine carries risks for the entire Western Balkan region and its implications are already felt, so there is a need to reinforce the participation of the Western Balkans in the strategic reflection on European security. With Ukraine knocking on the doors of the European Union, the future of the EU accession policy is at stake. Welcoming the first steps taken towards Ukraine’s membership in the European Union, we consider this is the most propitious moment to accelerate Western Balkans’ membership. There is a sense of urgency: it is time to transfer Western Balkan citizens’ expectations into reality, to turn words into deeds.

Among the main stumbling blocks of European Union-Western Balkan integration are the differences in perceptions on both sides. Today, the gap between what the Western Balkan politicians and citizens think about the European Union and what the politicians and citizens in the EU member states think about the Western Balkans is wider than ever. However, perceptions can and should be changed. The following are the most important issues that must urgently be addressed, as suggested by the Belgrade Conference participants.

  1. No alternative but the European Union: The Western Balkans are European countries, there are no alternatives for them but to become part of the European Union. These countries are the “soft belly” of the Union, surrounded by EU member states.
  2. Common interests: The European Union and the Western Balkans have many common interests that are often not sufficiently recognized – in the areas of security policy, migration, environment, trade, energy and transport infrastructure – that can best be pursued through joint and coordinated sectoral policies.
  3. Benefits much greater than costs: The benefits of letting the Western Balkans join the European Union would be much higher than the costs of leaving them out. This is a region of opportunities, not of risks.
  4. All Western Balkan countries should join the European Union together by 2025: Despite differences in the current status of individual countries – Montenegro and Serbia negotiating EU accession, Albania and North Macedonia soon to start negotiations, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo potential candidates – no country should be left behind.
  5. Negative effects of further delays: There is insufficient awareness of the fact that postponing the entry of the Western Balkans into the European Union can only cause further backsliding in the reform process.
  6. Pro-Russian sentiment Vs. support of European Union: Some Western Balkan countries are linked to Russia through history, culture, religion. This does not mean, however, that their citizens do not strongly condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine. Moreover, public opinion in the Western Balkans predominantly supports European Union membership.

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EM Serbia: EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans

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Dr Vladimir Medjak, Vice-President of the European Movement in Serbia writes for Confrontations Europe on EU Enlargement and whether the EU is Promoting Its Fundamental Values in the Western Balkans. >

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