EM UK: The European Movement’s extensive survey of supporters and UK residents reveals a dire picture of Brexit impacts.


EM UK: The European Movement’s extensive survey of supporters and UK residents reveals a dire picture of Brexit impacts.

84% of European Movement supporters have experienced empty shelve.

The European Movement’s extensive survey of supporters and UK residents reveals a dire picture of Brexit impacts. Almost all respondents cited an impact of Brexit in their local area, and local government officials report getting little help from Westminster.

With reports of shortages of workers, disruptions to trade, and the unavailability of key commodities, the European Movement UK conducted an online survey of more than four thousand contacts across the UK. The results were stark.

More than 95% of respondents cited some negative impact Brexit had had on their local community. When prompted, 84% said they had observed empty shelves in shops and supermarkets near them, with the problem only growing worse in recent weeks.

As part of the survey effort, local government officials were also asked how Brexit has impacted the areas they represent. The testimony we received was grim.

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