EMI: Choose your future!


EMI: Choose your future!

Today, the European Parliament launched the video “Choose Your Future“ as part of the #ThisTimeImVoting campaign. As an official partner to the campaign, the European Movement International encourages you all to watch, share and take your chance to shape the future of the European Union voting for the European Elections from the 23-26 May.

Reduce climate change, make the borders safe, fight terrorism, promote peace, equality, rights or democracy are only some of the challenges Europe is currently facing.

We are all together in Europe and each of us can leave a mark, but only together we will make a real difference happen.

Watch the European Parliament video to find out why it matters:

Sign your pledge to vote in the European Elections and get involved here

Learn how to vote here


Members update

European Movement Heads of Office meeting

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On Thursday 6 October, the Heads of Office of the National European Movement Councils came together in Brussels to exchange views on current challenges and share ideas for the organisation of a confer. >

EMI: Peace, Democracy, Freedom, Prosperity, Security – Video Resources

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  Peace, Democracy, Freedom, Prosperity, Security The EU is the embodiment of European values, it is founded on the ideals of peace, democracy, freedom, prosperity, security, solidarity, equality. Th. >

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