European Movement Italy


European Movement Italy

The Italian Council of the European Movement (CIME), founded for the first time in 1948 and again in 1956 as the Italian Section of the Mouvement Européen, is an expression of all democratic forces – parties, unions, and associations – engaged in our country for the achievement of the European unity, understood according to the message of Ventotene that inspired the resistance and which federation among all the European states with democratic regime that can and want to join in full equality of rights and duties.
The CIME recognizes the first nucleus of this federation in the institutional structures existing within the current European Union, whose first step was the realization of the economic and monetary union and now it is therefore proposed to operate at the same time for the enlargement of it, for the strengthening of the integration among the member States, for a democratic evolution of the institutions and for an active contribution of the latter to the promotion of an international order founded on the peace.
To this end, the CIME primarily plays the role of coordinating body among the member forces and as an instrument of proposal, stimulus, and pressure towards the Parliament, the national government and international institutions through the MEI (International European Movement), of which it is part.

Members update

EM Germany and EM Italy: EBD De-Briefing on the European Council: A historical – yet incomplete – compromise

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For the very first time, an EBD De-Briefing was simultaneously translated into English and Italian, in cooperation with European Movement Italy (CIME), when Andreas Peschke, Head of the European Depar. >

EM Italy: Petition for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to Ukraine

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Petition for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to Ukraine in order to halt the arms trade and start negotiations on peace and security. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has fina. >

EM Italy: The Ventotene Manifesto, a European heritage

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The European Union’s recognition of the cultural role of the Ventotene Manifesto first of all confirms its centrality in the struggle for democracy already during the dark times of the Second Wo. >

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