European Movement Norway


European Movement Norway

EM Norway seeks to enhance relations between peoples and states in Europe, by promoting the values of freedom, peace, democracy, solidarity and equality for all. These objectives are best realized through further development of a political and economic community within the framework of a European Union.

EM Norway advocates that Norway should become a fully participating member of the European Union.

Members update

EM Norway: One in three want Norwegian EU membership

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One in three Norwegians would have voted yes to Norwegian EU membership. For the first time, the EEA opposition is below twenty percent. The figures from Sentio, on behalf of the Nation and Class Stru. >

EM Norway: Overwhelming majority of European citizens are satisfied with life in the EU

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The latest Eurobarometer was recently published. The results from the survey conducted last autumn are crystal clear: In all EU countries, an overwhelming majority of the population is satisfied with . >

EM Norway: Highest support for the EU in twelve years

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In a new poll, 35.3 percent say they would have voted yes to Norwegian EU membership if there was a referendum tomorrow. The proportion who say yes to the EU has increased from 34.1 per cent in the pr. >

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