
EM Ireland: People in Ireland call for better communication of EU policies and for the EU to communicate and share best practices between EU countries

Noelle O Connell, National Citizen Representative to the Plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe presented the Irish National Report at a Plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Strasbourg this afternoon. Commenting on the report which details the results of citizen engagement on the Conference on the Future of

EM Ireland: People in Ireland call for better communication of EU policies and for the EU to communicate and share best practices between EU countries Read More »

EM Ireland – Ireland and the EU Poll, special Edition: Ireland EU50: 88% of people in Ireland support EU membership

A special edition of the annual EM Ireland ‘Ireland and the EU’ Poll, to mark the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s vote to join the then EEC, found that support for Ireland remaining a member of the EU has increased by 4% since 2021 to 88%. The poll findings come almost 50 years to the day when 83%

EM Ireland – Ireland and the EU Poll, special Edition: Ireland EU50: 88% of people in Ireland support EU membership Read More »

European Movement Ireland

European Movement Ireland is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organisation working to develop the connection between Ireland and Europe. Here at EM Ireland, we facilitate links between all sectors of Irish society and the EU by running a number of advocacy campaigns, education programmes, training courses, information briefings and networking events. We also produce clear and

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