Budapest Declaration for Democracy

The next five years will be pivotal for democracy in the European Union (EU) and the rest of the world. The multifaceted threats our democratic systems are facing need immediate, sustainable responses that put people at the centre.

We, the member organisations of the European Movement International (EMI), put forward the following recommendations calling upon the new EU leadership to create a more inclusive, transparent, transnational, and participatory Union, capable of strengthening democracy and its fundamental values:

  1. Uphold Democratic Principles: Defend and restore the rule of law in response to breaches in the EU’s Member States, while advancing democracy and its values beyond the EU’s borders.
  2. Defend Human Rights: Protect human rights for all, ensure they are upheld and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within society.
  3. Safeguard Judicial Independence: Maintain the autonomy of the judiciary, capable of enforcing the rule of law without external interference or internal pressure.
  4. Promote Media Freedom: Support media freedom and media pluralism, and protect investigative journalism to facilitate fact-based reporting to fulfil its watchdog role.
  5. Empower Civil Society: Enable civil society organisations to operate freely, serving as a voice for citizens and providing checks and balances to governments.
  6. Combat Corruption: Implement effective anti-corruption measures and integrity mechanisms to counteract nepotism and corruption.
  7. Fight the Triple Planetary Crisis: Implement the European Green Deal (EGD) and related initiatives to pave the way for a green and just transition and to create a healthier and more prosperous planet for all.
  8. Ensure Social Justice: Pursue social justice and equality in Europe by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).
  9. Strengthen Digital Rights: Develop robust regulations that guarantee and protect citizens’ digital rights, including privacy and data protection, amidst the development of disruptive technologies and the rapid advancements in AI, while promoting media literacy and boosting innovation.
  10. Counter the Assault on our Democracy: Develop the alliances and effective instruments necessary to stand up to those powers that are actively trying to undermine legitimate governments in Europe.

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