
Weekly European Agenda 03/06/2024

3-9 June 2024

Monday 3 June

Tuesday 4 June 

Wednesday 5 June 

Thursday 6 June 

Friday 7 June 

Sunday 9 June 


European Movement International

Sunday 9 June 

Europe is voting! European Civil Society Stakeholder Reactions to the EP Elections
On election night, Sunday, 9 June 2024, the Info Hub will provide a space for interested citizens, stakeholders and staff to watch the Election results in real time, through the live feed from the programme and content distributed in the EP’s Hemicycle. As part of election night, the European Movement International and the European Parliament will co-host a panel debate entitled “Europe Is Voting! European Civil Society Stakeholder Reactions to the EP Elections“, which will be held from 17:30-19:00 CEST.

More information about the event here.

More information about EMI events can be found here

Institutional Agendas

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 3 June 

Várhelyi participates in 3rd High Level Political Forum
Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi will participate in the 3rd High Level Political Forum in Sarajevo.

Tuesday 4 June 

Johansson meets with Gunnar Strömmer
Commissioner Ylva Johansson will meet with Gunnar Strömmer, Minister for Justice of Sweden in Stockholm.

Wednesday 5 June

Johansson meets with Jessika Roswall
Commissioner Ylva Johansson will meet with Jessika Roswall, Minister for European Affairs of Sweden in Stockholm.

Vestager participates in events associated with Denmark’s Constitution Day
Commissioner Margrethe Vestager will participate in events associated with Denmark’s Constitution Day. 

Thursday 6 June

Šuica delivers a keynote speech at HealthComm Forum 2024
Vice-President Dubravka Šuica will deliver a keynote speech at HealthComm Forum 2024, organized by Val Group in Zagreb.

Friday 7 June 

Vestager delivers a speech at CEC European Managers General Assembly
Commissioner Margrethe Vestager will deliver a speech at CEC European Managers General Assembly.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Wednesday 5 June – Thursday 6 June

Upgrading Europe: Building Transformative Policies to Reach the Sustainable Development Goals
As we find ourselves just over the halfway point to reaching the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, with only six more years left, the ESDN and co-organizers will focus this year’s Conference on transformative policies. The Global Sustainable Development Reports (2019 and 2023) have identified the entry points to transformational change. The purpose of this Conference is to learn more about transformations and how to bring them about, as well as learn from good practice cases from national governments, local governments, the business sector, academia, and science.

Thursday 6 June

Imbalances in social protection in general and specifically for the “new forms of work” and “atypical workers”
European social protection systems exhibit imbalances, especially for workers in non-standard and new forms of employment. This leaves many without adequate social protection coverage, especially women who often receive lower pensions due to employment gaps. Despite EU initiatives rolled out from the European Pillar of Social Rights, gaps persist, calling for legal and policy improvements. This hearing will invite relevant stakeholders to discuss these imbalances and recommend ways to achieve fairer social protection systems and bridge pension gaps across all types of employment.

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Tuesday 4 June

2024 EU SDGs dialogue with regions and cities: Financing SDGs territorialisation
With the UN mid-term review of the SDGs and the publication of the first ever EU Voluntary Review, 2023 was a key year for SDGs and many activities took place to contribute to these milestones. On this basis, the CoR is organising this workshop to have a structured dialogue between the European Commission and EU local and regional authorities on an identified key topic of SDGs: Financing. The aim of the workshop is two-fold: to brief the European Commission administration on challenges to territorialise SDGs ahead of the nomination of its new leaders; and inform regions and cities about EU financing opportunities, notably by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.

HOOP Cities and Policy Conference
The Horizon 2020 project HOOP will host the inaugural HOOP Cities and Policy Conference on 4 and 5 June, focusing on the implementation of innovative circular bioeconomy solutions in cities and regions. The conference provides a unique meeting point for cities and regions, waste managers, circular bioeconomy experts and policy makers to exchange knowledge and solutions.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

Belgian Presidency

Monday 3 June – Wednesday 5 June 

Indtech2024: Science and Innovation to empower Europe industrial resilience and economic security
Indtech2024 will be a forum bringing together stakeholders to exchange around specific R&I and policy challenges and stimulate networking. An overarching question to be address during Indtech2024 is how R&D policies could be better integrated to ambitious European initiatives to make sure the future of our industry is made in Europe.

Thursday 6 June

Transporting the future: how is automation transforming society?
This event, organised within the framework of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union, will delve into the theme of transport automation through a societal lens. Through the societal prism, the aim is to address the key challenges and explore ways to accelerate the transition to automation.

The agenda of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Wednesday 5 June

Fundamental Rights Platform webinar on ensuring compliance with fundamental rights when using EU funds
FRA will hold a webinar on ensuring compliance with fundamental rights when using EU funds. FRA will present its latest report on EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights and discuss the findings, with a focus on how to ensure compliance with the conditionalities introduced in 2021 as they relate to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 

Thursday 6 June

Stronger Equality Bodies to combat discrimination
FRA will speak at the European Commission’s meeting on stronger Equality Bodies to combat discrimination. FRA will present its work on equality data, fundamental rights indicators and on strengthening statutory bodies. 

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Tuesday 4 June 

Participation by Fernandez-Bollo in seminar “Big Techs in Finance: The European Union Must React!” 
Edouard Fernandez-Bollo will participate in the seminar “Big Techs in Finance: The European Union Must React!” organised by Association Europe-Finances-Régulations (AEFR) in Paris.

Thursday 6 June 

President Lagarde presents the latest monetary policy decisions in the ECB podcast
President Christine Lagarde will present the latest monetary policy decisions in the ECB podcast.

Friday 7 June 

Participation by Schnabel in panel discussion at the Federal Ministry of Finance
Isabel Schnabel will participate in a panel discussion at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin.

More information about ECB events can be found here

Council of Europe

Thursday 6 June 

Publication of the latest European data on prison populations
The Council of Europe will publish its annual penal statistics for 2023, which include country-by-country data on prison populations in Europe (SPACE I). Conducted for the Council of Europe by the University of Lausanne, the report contains information from 48 prison administrations on the number of inmates, incarceration rates, prison density, age, gender, foreign inmates, length of imprisonment, offences for which prisoners were convicted, prison staff and budget, among other indicators.

Find an overview of Council of Europe events here; the PACE diary here; the Congress calendar of events here; information on forthcoming judgments here; the calendar of hearings here; information on Venice Commission events here; the agenda of the Commissioner of Human Rights here; and the Chairmanship agenda here.



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