
07.12.23, BRUSSELS | On Thursday 7 December,SGI Europe and the European Movement International brought together Enrico Letta, rapporteur on the Future of the EU Single Market, and Citizen Ambassadors, to discuss the citizens’ persective on the reform of the Single Market, in line with the citizens’ recommendations from the CoFoE.

This exchage of views was followed by feedback and reflections from Enrico Letta, whose Report on the Future of the Single Market will be presented at the meeting of the European Council of March 2024.


  • Enrico Letta, rapporteur on the Future of the EU Single Market and former prime Minister of Italy
  • Valentina Balzani, Citizen Ambassador, conference in the Future of Europe
  • Huub Verhoeven, Citizen Ambassador, conference in the Future of Europe
  • Annemie De Clerk, Citizen Ambassador, conference in the Future of Europe
  • Stephanie Hartung, Citizen Ambassador, conference in the Future of Europe
  • Moderator: Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International


Valeria Ronzitti

Secretary General, SGI, Vice-President of the European Movement International

Petros Fassoulas

Secretary General, European Movement International

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