CEC European Managers – #EuropeDay2022: Managers for democracy, sustainability, and youth


CEC European Managers – #EuropeDay2022: Managers for democracy, sustainability, and youth

On the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which laid the foundation to the European Union, CEC European Managers reinforce its support to the Institutions and solidarity to the Ukrainian people.

Reinforce our values

On this Europe Day, CEC European managers wants to reinforce its full solidarity to the Ukrainian people as they continue to fight for democracy and freedom every day since last February. CEC’s president Maxime Legrand said: «Now is the time for Europe and the European Union to reaffirm its attachment to unity and peace. Together we must promote values of freedom and make sure they display throughout our society. »

It is important that European managers continue to show flexibility and strength both on the mental and organisational level to defend these values on the workplace too.

Another challenge Europe must face with dignity is perhaps the transition to a greener and more sustainable economy. CEC’s focus on Sustainable Leadership will guide managers to adopt the best practices within their company and to be the drivers of this shift.

This time again managers must be part of this fight to preserve our planet and our values.

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