EM Switzerland: Europe also belongs in the cantonal constitutions!


EM Switzerland: Europe also belongs in the cantonal constitutions!

The Swiss European Movement welcomes the decision of the general assembly of the Basel section to launch a bicantonal initiative on Europe. The cantons’ contribution to an open Switzerland integrated in Europe is crucial. European policy is also regional and cantonal policy!

On Monday, June 20, 2022, the general assembly of the Basel section of the Swiss European Movement decided to launch a constitutional initiative in the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft at the same time. The Swiss European Movement warmly welcomes this decision and will support the Basel section as much as possible in the implementation of the project.

Eric Nussbaumer, President of the European Movement, confirms: “European policy is also regional and cantonal policy. The contribution of the cantons is particularly important in ensuring an open Switzerland that is integrated into Europe, as there is currently little action at national level.”

The project of the Basel section is intended to enable public discussion on the importance of relations with the European Union and neighboring countries, to offer an information and exchange platform, and to make the needs of the population in relation to European politics visible.

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