EYF: Joint statement: European Commission must guarantee a meaningful role for civil society in ‘RebuildUkraine’


EYF: Joint statement: European Commission must guarantee a meaningful role for civil society in ‘RebuildUkraine’

European civil society has been standing and continues to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people in the face of Russian aggression and the horrendous war.

Russia must stop its aggression immediately and withdraw its troops from the entire territory. We hope that peace will soon return to Ukraine.

We call on the European Commission to:

  • Guarantee a clear role and functions within the governance of ‘RebuildUkraine’, including meaningful consultations and an official observer status in all deliberations, for European civil society organisations, networks and trade unions, as well as Ukrainian civil society and municipalities.
  • Involve civil society and trade unions, including social, environmental and youth organisations, and those who work with most vulnerable groups, directly in the programming and planning of reconstruction measures, and ensure full transparency of this process.
  • Grant access to information on how the funds are distributed and under which conditions.

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