EYF – Open letter to MEPs: Don’t give a hand to EU greenwashing


EYF – Open letter to MEPs: Don’t give a hand to EU greenwashing

The European Youth Forum is calling on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to stand for our future and vote against the EU Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act, which entrenches reliance on fossil gas and nuclear power.

Dear members of the European Parliament,

The European Youth Forum is calling on you to send a strong signal against greenwashing and for a sustainable future for young people in Europe by rejecting the EU Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act in the upcoming vote at the European Parliament.

We are the umbrella organisation of youth organisations, representing more than 100 member organisations and millions of young people across Europe.

The special edition of the Eurobarometer released earlier this year has yet again revealed the issues young people care about the most: tackling the climate crisis, a peaceful and secure future, and having a voice in political decision-making.

The European Commission’s proposal is a slap in the face of youth across Europe on all these fronts:

First, this would be catastrophic for the climate and for nature, and therefore for our future. Fossil gas generates huge emissions, and nuclear power creates highly radioactive waste that is not processed. This waste will be with us for generations to come and impact young people and future generations the most. The proposal would divert millions away from renewable energy projects to prolong our reliance on fossil fuels and uranium. Young people are leading the fight against our climate crisis and the latest IPCC report confirms the urgency. Gas and nuclear are not sustainable options for our future or for the generations to come!

Second, the attacks on Ukraine and the energy price crisis it is causing put the EU Taxonomy in a radically new context. Gas has become a major source of energy insecurity and inflation. While the EU is working towards cutting its large Russian energy dependency and implementing sanctions on the country, the current proposal will affect gas and other fossil fuels but also create and increase demands for Russian supplies of uranium. Europe’s transition to affordable and local renewables has therefore become even more urgent, but the taxonomy would be a major obstacle to achieve it.

Third, we must have a say in decisions concerning our future because we will have to live in it. Yet, the final criteria of the Complementary Delegated Act were written by Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen’s cabinet. Despite the request from the European Parliament to the Commission to hold a public consultation and an impact assessment on the Complementary Delegated Act, the Commission ignored this request. While we never had a chance to make our voices heard, you, as an elected member of the European Parliament, can support us now.

We sincerely hope that you will stand up for our future and vote “no”. You can stop this before it’s too late – for our climate, our future and our security.

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