European Movement France


European Movement France

The European Movement – France has been mobilising since 1949, across all generations, to promote a pluralist public debate on Europe. It focuses its activities on pedagogy, the organisation of the debate between citizens and the formulation of proposals to build Europe.

It brings together thousands of volunteers in more than 50 local chapters, about 20 national associations and a college of qualified personalities. Heir to the spirit of Europe’s founding fathers, the Movement is the leading civil society player in France on European issues.

The European Movement also mobilises through its youth branch, the Young Europeans – France, which has 26 local groups spread throughout the country. The European Movement – France has been recognised as an association of general interest since 22 July 2016 and is also recognised as a “complementary educational association to public education”.

Members update

EM France: “Youth priorities for tomorrow’s Europe” at the National Assembly

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Young volunteers from our member organisations were heard last Thursday 14 October by the European Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, in the presence of Antoine Godbert, Vice-President of the. >

EM France: EUFP: How France can drive the European agenda and encourage public debate on the EU

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Our president Yves Bertoncini was the guest of Henri Oberdorff on 6 January on RCF Isère in the programme le quart d’heure européen, a programme dedicated to Europe in partnership with the Uni. >

European Movement France: 30 proposals for the Europe of 2030, for the attention of the presidential candidates

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With one month to go before the elections, European Movement France is sending “30 proposals for the Europe of 2030” to the 12 candidates for the Presidency of the Republic 2022. The next . >

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