Europe Day Celebrations


Every year, the European Movement International network celebrates Europe Day around the 9th of May with many activities, campaigns and political debates. In close cooperation with our members, and with the support of the European Commission, we develop a wide range of activities involving citizens across Europe, both online and offline.

These successful cooperative actions represent a great opportunity for EM National Councils (NC) to celebrate Europe’s positive achievements together with citizens at the local and national level and inform them of the issues at stake and bring the EU closer to the citizens. With Europe Day celebrations, we aim to make our activities more visible and coherent as a united network. 

In 2023, as part of the ‘Europe Day’ Project, we launched a call for proposals exclusively for our National Councils, entitled “Together for Europe”. Find out more about their projects here. 


  1. Bridging the gap between citizens and the European institutions
    In order to reach out to even more citizens, the European Movement International will seek the support of many local, national and European partners. 
  1. Increasing the visibility of our network
    We will apply accumulated knowledge and tools in developing visual identity and materials, including videos, in order to expand our respective base audiences and reach a higher number of European citizens and persuadable audiences with pro-European and pro-democratic messages, as well as increase the overall visibility of our network. 
  1. Optimising the campaign for national audience
    Moreover, to strengthen the network, several meetings, either in person or online, will be organised prior to the celebrations to build up a common strategy of action and exchange material and good practises, as well as to optimise campaigns and messages for particular national audiences and target groups. 


Building on the success of our joint campaigns these past few years, in 2022 our network’s Europe Day campaign remained digital and consisted of three variations of campaign content intended to build solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees. The campaign was intended to reach and influence not only our base audiences, but also more moderate audiences who operate just outside our normal spheres of communication. In 2022, the campaign was promoted in 13 countries and in 13 languages. By doing so, we were also able to effectively expand our base audiences and increase the number of European citizens we reach with pro-European and pro-democratic messages. 

Partners and Donors 

This activity is co-funded by the European Union’s (EU) Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme. 

List of our members here.


European integration, European values


Every year

Find out more on:


Amanda Miteniece
Communications and Campaigns Officer


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