Shaping the Future of Europe Together: Equality, Participation and Sustainability

 With the financial support of the European Commission *, the European Movement International runs every year a whole host of activities under the theme “Shaping the Future of Europe Together 

Our activities in 2024, whether it is advocacy, communications & campaigns, events, aim to address the political, economic, social, and cultural debates of our time and engage the EU institution and Member State governments, as well as our diverse membership, which brings together over 70 organisations from civil society, social partners, NGOs, local authorities, political parties and more, from the national and the European level. The action covers a broad range of topics, structured in three main pillars: 1) Democracy, Citizen Participation and Fundamental Values; 2) A Social, Sustainable, Creative and Prosperous Europe; 3) Europe in the World. 

The activities apply policy and advocacy work methods, events, communications, and campaigns, as well as the re-granting mechanism for our National Councils.  

The objectives are to connect citizens’ and stakeholders’ priorities and ideas with the key policies of the EU and enhance citizens’ awareness and engagement in the policies and decisions that will shape the Union’s future, especially ahead of the European elections in 2024.  

Moreover, we aim to build the capacity of CSOs to achieve a lasting impact in their communities on the issues related to the EU. We do this both by re-granting various European Movements at the national level, and by providing training and knowledge to European associations.  

Our activities are designed around four Work Packages, aimed at delivering the following results:  

  • engage citizens, civil society, and institutional stakeholders at the national and EU level in dialogue and exchange;   
  • increase CSOs capacity through re-granting and mentoring (at least 8 CSOs);  
  • reach and engage at least 10 million citizens in awareness raising campaigns, like ‘GOTV’ actions ahead of the European elections, and the campaigns to mark and celebrate Europe Day, as well as various dissemination activities via 55.000 social media followers and e-mail subscribers (4000);  
  • co-create with our member organisations a set of new policy recommendations related to the most pressing issues of our time so we can contribute to the debate on the strategic European policy priorities like democracy & the rule of law, green & sustainable transition, growth and competitiveness, defence & security.  

Ultimately, our work will contribute to enhancing transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability of EU decision-making, processes, and strengthen civil society and citizens to better engage with the common challenges of our times. 

Below are a few examples of our advocacy, campaigns, projects and events: 

Together for Europe 2024 

Europe Day 

Talking Europe 

European Chats 

Women of Europe Award 


  1. Democracy, Citizen Participation and Fundamental Values;
  2. A Social, Sustainable, Creative and Prosperous Europe;
  3. Europe in the World.

The EMI At The National Level: Projects In Cooperation With Our National Councils  

*This activity is co-funded by the European Union’s (EU) Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme. 



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