Talking Europe about the 2024 European Elections


The Talking Europe event series was launched in 2020, in partnership with the European Commission, with the aim to foster debate on the European Union’s work and its effect on the everyday lives of citizens, involving stakeholders from civil society, political institutions and the wider European community.

Ahead of the 2024 European elections, we’re featuring Members of European Parliament representing various political groups to take stock of the milestones and achievements of the 2019-2024 mandate, examine the key issues at the heart of this year’s campaign, discuss ongoing challenges to democracy and the rule of law, and look ahead to the upcoming mandate beginning later this year. See episodes from the series below:

Alin Mituța MEP

Daniel Freund MEP

Guy Verhofstadt MEP

Marc Angel MEP

Rasmus Andresen MEP

Domènec Ruiz Devesa MEP

Frances Fitzgerald MEP

Hannah Neumann MEP

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